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First shot at Outcasts


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I'm looking at starting the outcast faction with a combination of Leveticus, Hamelin and Somer/Ophelia.

So first question is do complement those masters each other well or is there a niche they can't fill. (I have the gut feeling that the Viktorias are needed but I try to avoid them.)

Second question is would the follwing list be good for strategies like Claim Jump, Reconnoiter, Slaughter, Treassure hunt?

I have a bit of a doubt because of the low model count and the low speed of the models to be able to chase down enemies during Reconnoiter.

For Slaughter they should be resilient enough to not give away points easily and have lure to get some points fast.

After all I still have issues to see where the edge is over Hamelin because the above mentioned strategies should be quite good for him and his rat swarm too. Well except of Slaughter maybe.

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer
6 Pool

  • Bête Noire

  • Canine Remains

  • Dead Doxy

  • Dead Doxy

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

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I'm looking at starting the outcast faction with a combination of Leveticus, Hamelin and Somer/Ophelia.

So first question is do complement those masters each other well or is there a niche they can't fill. (I have the gut feeling that the Viktorias are needed but I try to avoid them.)

Second question is would the follwing list be good for strategies like Claim Jump, Reconnoiter, Slaughter, Treassure hunt?

I have a bit of a doubt because of the low model count and the low speed of the models to be able to chase down enemies during Reconnoiter.

For Slaughter they should be resilient enough to not give away points easily and have lure to get some points fast.

After all I still have issues to see where the edge is over Hamelin because the above mentioned strategies should be quite good for him and his rat swarm too. Well except of Slaughter maybe.

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer
6 Pool

  • Bête Noire

  • Canine Remains

  • Dead Doxy

  • Dead Doxy

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

The thing about outcasts is they are all their own subfactions. None of them really have models that cross between 2 of the masters. As such, your going to need to buy a lot more to flesh out each master fully than if you went with a different faction. Thatp being said however, each outcast master seems to do pretty well at each stratgey.

As for your levi list, i would probably drop a belle and both doxies. It seems that your focusing a lot on the undead for Leveticus when you need to remember that he can also take constructs. My suggestion for levi would be always take a canine remains, probably rusty alyce, and other good things like ashes and dust and a single rotten belle. This list has a lot more synergy to it than bete with some belles and doxies. The other reasoning for droping the doxies is they generally dont hold up as well as they should and their not as great as regular rotten belles for their price. You also dont need them for damage output because Leveticus alone can take down any 9wd model with 2 spells.

Also, dont focus on making a list to complete so many stratgies, there is a reson the rules are setup to allow you to find out what your doing and then pick a list. If you really feel the need to make premade lists, something thats not really recommended because you wouldnt be taking into account things like your opponents faction when making, then try making a seperate list for each stratgey.

Edited by CrouchingMoose
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Well, I'm looking to start Levi too...At least partially because I have tons of constructs from the Hoff and Ramos.

So, aside from Canine Remains, a belle, (and maybe dead rider) which undead should I pick up?

Edit: also, I have Levi, 2 waifs, Rusty Alyce, 2 SPA, a desolation engine, and Ashes&dust

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For various reasons, I've been picking things up piecemeal, and was only able to pick up one clamshell of SPA. I've got another one ordered though. Honestly, considering buying cards and proxying some more SPA, because it looks like I'll produce quite a few of them.

I'll look into your other suggestions though.

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Well I know that making predefined lists is no good thing in Malifaux. And actually the late crew creation is one of the features I really like in Malifaux. But I need something to start with that should be quite adaptive. I understand that to get competetive I need many options from which I can choose, which includes other masters too.

Regardless of the list I will get at least 4 SPAs (better 6 for reserves) and a Desolation Engine. because Levi might spawn those. This is understood.

So if I understood you right you would choose something like that.

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer
8 Pool

  • Ashes and Dust

  • Canine Remains

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rusty Alyce

Well Ashes and Dust is an interesting model and Rusty Alyce seems to be Leveticus tailored so both selections seem natural. That was something I considered first too. But the model count is so damn low. And if the enemy focuses Ashes and Dust I'm afraid he gets it and the ashen core down in 1 round. So I would use it more as a counter charger if Alyce is engaged and so on but then 13 SS seem to be too expensive. Maybe could you give me a playstyle hint? I don't seem to look through it right now.

But this may be only so because I have most experiences with Collodi and the Viktorias which both have tremendeous damage output. (Collodi can easily drop on the Ashes and Dust with 6 fast - meele expert - Wickeds for a stunning 24 Attacks on 25 Points already.)

And one more thing is that with Ashes and Dust + Rusty Alyce as a core the first 21 points of models are already fixed what makes it tough to switch out models and adapt the list. At least for 25/35 point games.

The undead list I posted above had the intention of denial and preparing the enemy for Leveticus. Bete shouldn't be able to get killed with a 10 on your hand so the enemy shouldn't want to attack her. What enables me to play very aggressive with her. Well and if he does attack her. I have that 10 and as soon as Leveticus kills the next model she is back.

If the enemy puts up some pressure to get my crew the doxies can debuff everything that rushes forward really hard for Levi to land his spells and the Rotten Belles compensate for Levis slow walk by luring him or the enemy. If Bete is not on table in round 6 you can kill a Rotten Belle and only give away 4 points instead of 9 from Bete. This actually makes it a pain to select the kill Protege scheme for the enemy since Bete is the most expensive minion. (I even could kill a Hollow Waif if I don't need them anymore)

I'm sorry I don't want to make the impression of refusing your input I just don't think I have understood it correctly but I try to.

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Yea, bete with levi whilst still good, and levi has some card drawing off his triggers, is less reliable as you do not get to keep any cards from your hand should you want to, unless you don't have levi die, but then you don't get to draw any more cards.

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Ah ok. I didn't realize that Leveticus has to discard his full hand. Thought it was standard discard option like in the standard draw phase. Then of course Bete Noir is much more of a gamble and it seems well worth to replace her with Rusty Alyce. (Although I still think Alyce needs nimble, fast or another way to at least move a bit and still rapid fire to be worth her 8SS, but maybe thats just me. And maybe thats what the Rotten Belles can do with lure.)

Hmm. And when I start building up some gun power I should solidify that maybe. So replacing both doxies with a Convitct Gunslinger and Rami LaCroix. Although some Constructs would be better because of synergy. But Lazarus costs so much. Well will start the thinking here again.

Edited by Tiaden
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