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30 SS Zoraida v Perdita


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The more I play Zoraida, the deeper I fall in love. Raven for a 20" flight in turn 6 followed by an invisible servants is the most amazing thing ever. I love, love, love how freaking tricky it is. This is my first battle report and it's done from memory. I think I'll start taking notes in the future so just bare with me for this one! Thanks!

My Neverborn Crew:

Sexy Z

Voodoo Doll

Ophelia LaCroix

Francios Lacroix

Silurid x2

Stitched Together

His Perdita Crew:

Perdita Ortega

Enslaved Nephilim

Santiago Ortega

Nino Ortega

Guild Austringer

Samael Hopkins

I had:

Deliver the Message

Bodyguard (announced)

Reclaim Malifaux

Opponent had:

Claim Jump

Round up (announced)

Raid (announced)

Battle Report in non-chronological order (sort of).

The game sort of played out like 2 seperate games.

In one, I was trying to run all over the place and declare the lovely countryside mine in the name of Neverborn.

In the other, the kin I brought along couldn't forget the feud they'd declared against the Ortega Clan (originating when they'd tried their salsa once and decided they much prefer Old El Paso).

I leapt all over the board, reclaiming the right 6 sectors with my Silurids before they were taken down by his Austringer (those austringers are neat...it's the first time I've seen one on the table. No LOS requirement is pretty epic. They are super annoying against Silurids and Gremlins too. Also, I've never seen how amazingly fast a Silurid is when it's just trying to get somewhere).

Zoraida started off by conduiting his austringer and having it try to take down Nino, who was frustratingly scaring me away from a good portion of the board. The stitched and LaCroix kin moved up just slightly and took position, waiting for the Ortegas to come down the middle and push towards the Claim they wanted to jump. Perdita came down the middle, leading the charge with her speed and firepower and ended her activation 6" away from the pretty beat up Francios (2 wounds remaining). But now she was in the open and about to take a beating herself. At first I thought about using Francios, sacrificing his life by declaring his automatic dumb luck trigger and just unload as much as possible on Perdita before he went, but then realized...he had something he wanted to tell her, "Hey Perdita, you look like a slut in that top.". So instead he just charged her and didn't declare any triggers. It didn't hit, but it did cost her a decent control card to avoid. Then Ophelia had a go at her and I had a red joker in hand. She wanted to bring her to the edge, but not quite finish her off and that's what she did. Starting with a (0) dumb and lucky on herself, then taking a shot, cheating in the red joker, getting a straight flip, declaring calculated luck and hit with moderate damage (x2) for 6 wd. The next turn was all about initiative, as Francios was inches from death and really wanted to tell Perdita she was dressed so inappropriately. 1 Soulstone later Francios got the chance to make said insult. Immediately thereafter, my buddy declared his alpha strike, wiping out Francios, Ophelia and the stitched. But as I said earlier, we all know, a stitched doesn't like to go down without a show. He activated, gambled away Samael's life before the gunslinger has a chance to do anything, seriously frustrating my opponent, since he'd just picked him up and it was the first time he'd seen the table (he was unpainted so if you ask me, he deserved it). Zoraida was able to finish off Perdita with another obey of the Austringer and then she went raven and made a short flight to where there voodoo doll could still catch up but she could reclaim 1 more quadrant (making that 8/9). At Start closing the Austringer took a fatal dose of poison ending his life and leaving my opponent with simply Nino and Santiago and me with only Zoraida and her doll. The 5th turn started with him trying to take down Zoraida and not being successful and then heading towards the claim marker. Z spent the turn doing another 10" hop and claiming the final section of Malifaux in the name of Neverborn. Turn 6 and it was time for the final push. He took another pot shot at Z with Nino who was too far and too slow to make it to the claim, and ran towards and got within the 3" with Santiago. Z's final move was (0) Raven, Walk, Walk, and ending about 5" away from the claim, praying it didn't go to turn 7. I flipped the card to see if it went and it was a 3! Praise the 'faux gods. The encounter ended with Z's invisable servants pushing her into base contact with Santiago making the number of models within 3" of the claim even.

I had:

Deliver the Message - 4pts

Bodyguard (announced) - 2pts

Reclaim Malifaux - 2pts

Opponent had:

Claim Jump - 0pts

Round up (announced) - 0pts (the doll survived too!)

Raid (announced) - 2pts

Final score 8-2 me.

The only thing he pulled off was the Raid. He had Santiago and Nino left at the end, I had Z and her Voodoo doll. I find game after game each of my minions is simply a pawn in Zoraida's master plan, there to serve a purpose and then be sacrificed to the gods of the 'faux.

Love this freakin' game.

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Perdita would have had a free shot at Francois on the Charge......unless you were playing someone who has never played Perdita.

Also, how did you conduit the Austringer if he was hidden? You said no LoS....... Sexy Z needs LoS for the Doll to activate Conduit. How did the Austringer get poisoned?

Also, the Enslaved did nothing the entire game?

Did Samael just walk to his death?

Z is great but trouncing Perdita? I am not sure how the other guy lost so terribly.

Good job on the win! Always nice to see Z making her mark!

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Well when zorida makes a voodoo doll of something at the Start closing phase it receives poison 2.

Now poison affects a model at the beginning of that models activation. So the austringer would take 2wd and discard a poison counter. If the voodoo doll is still conduited to it. Again at the start closing phase would get Poison 2. Which would increase the amount of poison counters to 2. (you never add always go up to the highest number.).

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Well when zorida makes a voodoo doll of something at the Start closing phase it receives poison 2.

Now poison affects a model at the beginning of that models activation. So the austringer would take 2wd and discard a poison counter. If the voodoo doll is still conduited to it. Again at the start closing phase would get Poison 2. Which would increase the amount of poison counters to 2. (you never add always go up to the highest number.).

That is not correct.

1. LoS. Z could not have possibly had LoS unless she Ravened and then that would mean she could not have summoned a doll.

2. Where does it say they take 2 Wd?

This is the official ruling on Poison:

When a model is hit by an attack with Poison # or affected by an Ability with Poison #, increase the number of Poison Tokens the model has to the # indicated either after resolving the attack, or as indicated by the Ability. Each time the model begins/starts its activation it suffers 1 wound per Poison Token it has, and then discards one Poison Token.

This was played incorrectly if that is how it was played. I play Z and I love her, but she can't just pick any model on the board to Conduit and she definitely can't cause 2 Wd an activation just by doing Conduit.

I wish she could, but she can't.

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uh that's exactly what he just said. The model gets 2 poison counters in the end phase, then on their next activation they take 2 wounds and go down to 1 counter. At the next end phase they go back up to 2 counters (assuming conduit still in play).

Yeah, I apologize for the Poison/Wd thing. I read their post wrong.


LoS. It could not have happened. Z would just start Turn 1 every time by picking the biggest or baddest threat and just Poison it to death by turn 3 or 4. You have to get LoS.

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Maybe I did play the poison wrong, thank you for clarifying that for me. We dealt the damage in the start closing phase instead of at the models activation. As far as I know, I played conduit correctly. LOS has no range attached to it, correct? Zoraida was far away but I could have drawn a base to base line to the austringer without going through 3+ inches of obscuring terrain.

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Yes, well both my opponent and myself are still very new to the game. Also, he'd played the Ortega portion of his crew before but it was the first time he had Samael, the Austringer and the enslaved Nephilim on the table. He didn't figure out the austringer could be hiding in a box until it was too late.

We both made mistakes. As for the question above of how did Perdita get trounced so badly, he forgot about invisible servants so he thought he had 4 points locked down with the claim jump. He also thought insignificant models weren't taken into account towards the round up scheme. So going into turn 6 he was predicting a draw, 8-8. When it ended we called it at 8-4 because we both thought the same thing about round up. We're still both learning a ton of rules clarification every time we play. I appreciate you guys pointing out all the mistakes we made.

But to be clear, if Zoraida has LOS to a model, uses her (2) Create Voodoo Doll, Conduit's the doll to the model and as long as the doll ends the turn w/in 1" of Zoraida the conduit'd model gets 2 poison each turn and will take 2 wd at the start of it's activation each turn. Is that correct?

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I've been playing Zoraida for a little while but had no idea that the Poison kept being reapplied every turn.

When using Silurid against an Austringer, don't forget that Silent means the Austringer can't ignore any cover that the Silurid might have, from Chameleon etc.

Edited by Lungboy
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