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Viktorias in the hands of a noob...


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Well, you have to start from somewhere...so I picked up the viks. Aside fomr learning how to play them, the real problem is: is the rest of the crew working?

The easiest thing to do is ask *wink* (even after reading around on pullmyfinger)

As of now I have (well, I will in a few days hopefully) the starter box, the ronins and sue.

Taelor: a big lady with a big hammer to use as a spearhead and/or decoy to let the viks get close for the kill(s)

Johann: mmm...maybe against construct or spirit heavy crews.

Bishop: used once, got kicked by stitched and obeyed by zoraida. Looks nice, but 10 points are many.

Ronin: nice girls, I like them a lot for objective grabbing and killing (still need to master their movement shenanigans...can they use run throught and activate the 4'' push trigger?)

Sue: used once and was in the wrong place all the time, my fault. In the local meta zoraida and pandora are present, so I think it's a good choice.

So, got this right? Something I'm missing (in the 'how it's used' department)?

Before taking anything else I'll be waiting after gencon to see if something steals my heart, but I've already set my eyes on the librarian, maybe the trappe and lazarus (I love the robocop fluff).

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I've been doing a lot with Bishop lately. I will say that when I first started (also with the Viks) I didn't really get him. Now, I get great use out of him. As a new player, the problem with Bishop is that he has such a wide variety of abilities, it's hard to figure out what to use when. I believe he is quite useful, (although a tad overcosted.)

Yes, Ronin can trigger off of Runthrough. (which makes them VERY mobile.)

I honestly use Johan more in my Arcanists than I do in my Viks.

Taelor you've mostly got. i will point out that she is great at holding/guarding an objective point. Hammerstrike is great for clearing a claim jump at the last moment.

Can't speak to Sue as I don't have him yet.

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Ronin are awesome. Auto :+fate on damage and ignores Armor is excellent period; on a 5 ss model it's just insane.

Taelor is my favorite merc. If Von Schill is Hulk Hogan in his prime, then Taelor is equivalent to Triple H in his. 10" charge range with a 3" melee range? Yes, please, and thank you.

I skipped Johan and Bishop. Johan's best in a crew using MS&U models but he's pretty good if you can't afford to take Taelor in your build. Never used Bishop but he seems like Batman's utility belt- if he was cheaper than 10 stones he'd see a lot more use.

Lazarus will be nice. If you like the Librarian and Trapper you might as well save up for the Freikorps box- you'd have another crew option, the basic Korpsmen are great for 4 ss, and Von Hogan himself is a monster.

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Von Schill is great to be used with the Viks and even better with aViks cos of his 15" movement and cant not get disengaging strikes vs him.

get him in the centre of a big grp and then get the aViks to switch places and sit back and watch the killing.

Librarian is great if u keep 1 Vik near the Librarian, as when you use there healing spell on a Vik (even if she had full HP) the other vik will get a healing flip too.

Hope this helps you doing a new crew set up.

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Have to seriously think about Von something and the freikoprs, as I just realized the flamethrower can force morale duels, a very pretty way to slingshot the viks into battle.

As for the avatar, I think it's better learning the basics first (and those 2 soulstones might get handy for healing flips/damage prevention).

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...then Taelor is equivalent to Triple H in his...

Surely you mean Chyna in hers :P

+1 to Freikorps box, all offer something to the viks. Will say as a cheaper option to get ranged there's the convict and desperate mercs, both work well. People's fear of Ronin leaves them prime targets so if one is mauled badly Sepukku and get 2 mercs to stay a bit longer is an extra option (not always the best, but it is there for the odd occasion)

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