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Drowned questions

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I originally was considering picking up drowned but like most people that read the card for to long, i decided against getting them. However, after the ringing endorsement from the gamers lounge, ive come back around to looking at them and had some questions.

Firstly, the guys at gamers longue mentioned that all you wanted the drowned to do is riptide, is it that when riptide is cast that even if the target resists, all models within 2" still have to make the df check?

2nd, what masters are the drowned good for? I currently have nico and kirai (not sure if levi can take them) and im adding mcmourning soon and will probably add seamus so i can 100% a faction

3. What other tricks do the drowned have that im probably missing? What minions do they synergize well with?

Lastly, is there a way i can do a effect like the frozen ice lake wyrd has for the ice golem base, that will fully encase the drowned and give them a real underwater effect, and how should I go about doing it?

Edited by CrouchingMoose
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I haven't played with them yet, but I can say that the underwater effect would be quite difficult. The only way I know of to do that, would be to build walls around the model and then slowly, layer by layer, build up enough water effects to cover it. You'd have to let each layer dry at least overnight, so it would take ages.

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Drowned with Kirai in a Slaughter situation has done me well. She can and her crew can heal them to keep them alive until they are in the best spot for the most damage possible. She can swirl them around to make sure they are in the right spot. Last game I played with Kirai I took two of them and they did exactly what they should be doing. Dealing out wounds, duels, and slow.

For 4ss they are pretty awesome. They are like floating land mines that spray you with bile lol.

I dont think Nico wants them because they dont leave behind corpes, Seamus and McM wouldnt mind a few depending on strat or schemes.

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Firstly, the guys at gamers longue mentioned that all you wanted the drowned to do is riptide, is it that when riptide is cast that even if the target resists, all models within 2" still have to make the df check?

No it has to hit for this go off. Riptide is worth cheating the 9+ in to cast it though.

2nd, what masters are the drowned good for? I currently have nico and kirai (not sure if levi can take them) and im adding mcmourning soon and will probably add seamus so i can 100% a faction

I love taking 2 of them with both Seamus and Kirai. Nico needs corpses too much to run spirits. I would likely also take them with McM, but haven't yet.

3. What other tricks do the drowned have that im probably missing? What minions do they synergize well with?

Im not kidding when I say stop reading their card. Its really underwhelming to read their rules. Just know that Drive by Purpose, Riptide, and their 4" expolosion are amazing. You can ping a lot of your opponents crew with a single drowned, 2 is even better. The big things to remember are that you have to run them up front of your crew, you don't care if they die, and always keep moving them closer and closer to the bulk of your opponents crew. They dont work well defending a flank or taking out a single target, their job is to soften up a whole bunch of Models so your other stuff can clean them up.

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