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Hey, I'm thinking about using Zoraida for an upcoming tourney at 30pts. My original list loks like:

Zoraida + voodoo doll




Baby Kade

I want to try something completely opposite and surprising hopfully and I'm wondering about:

Zoraida + voodoo doll+Avatar


Steampunk Arachnid Swarm


Desperate Merc

I really just want to try steroiding (is that a word?) a steampunk arachnid swarm. the way I figure it, you get 5 total obeys, an activation with the +4 cb, a reactivation (nurse), and then three separate steampunk arachnid activations (that all get the +move and combat after breaking up). It should be a ton of melee damage. If Zoraida hexes off the 10" requirement from Hamelin then they should be able to kill off well worth their pts in models. I just wanted to be sure that the buffs pass on to the individual spiders after it breaks up. By using neverborn, arcanist, ressurectionist, and outcasts I think I can use my cards to the max too. However, I'm concerned that this puts way too many chips in one basket..after the swarm goes down I seem to have all support pieces. Anyone tried this before or have thoughts? Thanks

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Nope at most you could get 1 from a Voodoo Doll, then 1 from Zoraida, then 1 from a newly created Voodoo Doll (that Zoraida creates to get rid of the one that has already gone), and finally 1 from Hamelin. Thats still quite a bit, especially since you can also target your opponents models.

Edited by Omenbringer
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You do need a 10 or better of masks to cast with the voodoo doll. Or a moderate mask and a SS. AZoraida can double take the obey to cast it twice i think.

Actually the Voodoo Doll has a built in Mask so it merely needs the 10+ card or a decent card and a SS. It is not the easiest to get off but with already having the Mask it makes it a lot more likely. I end up casting it quite often with the Voodoo Doll to have one of my own models get an extra attack.

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Hamelin can do 2 obeys as well, if he hits his growing command trigger

Nice catch hadn't realized they changed that on the V.2 card though he does have to succesfully cast one of the other spells first and hit that second :mask as well to do it (fairly difficult to do consistantly without Use Soul Stones).

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But just to make sure I have it straight, let me go through the best case scenario. On the first turn Zoraida removes th emovement limitation with a hex. On a later turn, the nurse juices up the swarm with a reactivate and the +4 cb and + to damage flips. Then Hamelin/Zoraida can obey it to where it needs to go and hopefully get it into melee with a bunch of stuff (which the large base should help with) Then there are a couple options:

The Swarm uses the reactivate:

Swarm: 7 total attacks at 9cb and + or ++ to the damage (3/3/5) with possible paralyze and with the last AP for a scatter

3 x individual arachnids: 6 total attacks at 8 cb with + to the damage flip (2/2/3) or maybe three attacks and three 2" radius non-preventable 2 damage

The individual arachnids get the reactivate:

Swarm: 3 total attacks at 9cb and + or ++ to the damage (3/3/5) with possible paralyze with the last AP for a scatter

3 x individual arachnids: 12 total attacks at 8 cb with + to the damage flip (2/2/3) or maybe nine attacks and three 2" radius non-preventable 2 damage

The nurse and swarm are 16 stones together, but this seems like enough damage to take out an entire crew if they don't spread out. The drawback would be that after sacrificing the swarm I'd have Hamelin, Zoraida, a nurse, and 4 pts of something left...none of which seems good at dealing direct damage.

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The nurse buffs would kill it off anyhow. I just want to make sure that if the swarm scatters, the buffs pass to the individual arachnids as well.

The wording for the Scatter Ability on the Steampunk Arachnid Swarm state that any effects on the Swarm will be applied to the individual Steampunk Arachnids that are summoned.

One additional note to consider though, the three Steampunk Arachnids (that scatter from the swarm) are summoned not replacing so will suffer the effects of Slow (Rules Manual page 55).

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Can zoraida take the arachnid swarm?

Her talent to hire models with less than 4 wp only applies to living models doesn't it?

It is Hamelin's ability that allows you to take the arachnid swarm, as his growing Influence ability allows you to hire a Ht1 model. That is why they talk about hexing the ability off Hamelin on the first turn so that it does not kill the swarm if it goes to far away.

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can bring a dopleganger and mimic an obey for more unless you run into SS problems and going over your set amount.

plus i think if a swarm uses all of its ap and saves the last one to unswarm then the little ones have the left over ap from the big one which ends up being none?

plus i would drop baby cade, i find him to not be useful at all >.< and i am also not fond of Candy either. I would maybe drop then for a dopelganger and a stitched so ranged people have harder time hitting units as they move up field or to protect the spider

Edited by merlinman
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plus i think if a swarm uses all of its ap and saves the last one to unswarm then the little ones have the left over ap from the big one which ends up being none?

Not true, the new Arachnids are summoned via Scatter not replacing, so they will get their full compliment of AP and suffer the Slow effect the first turn (if they were replacing then they would have top divide the remaining AP).

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