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Top Ten Outcasts Minions?

Dumb Luck

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Desperate Merc

Convict Gunslinger

Jack Daw (Just for the sheer headache he is to deal with.)



Student of Conflict

That's about it for me, I'd toss in A&D and Nix / rat catchers but their use is so limited I just can't. By limited I mean limited to Levi & Hamelin respectively.

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I knew about that, I was reading it as Ashes & Dust somehow ended up with 3 activations. Not as 1 with A&D, 1 with ashes, 1 with dust. The most I could figure out was 2 with a Rusty Reactivate.

Other folks are correct, I was referring to breaking it into Ashen Core and Dust Storm. I was trying to focus on what the model itself can do (and leave alone things like Reactive, which are coming from an outside influence).

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  • 4 weeks later...


1. Young Lacroix: 2 SS, wk 6, option of fast, decent ranged attack w/gunfighter that pushes it out of melee and a spell that only needs LOS with a +++ flip that does 5 on a severe? Please sir, may I have another? Oh, I can haz THREE?!??!?

2. Lenny: Is he SS efficient? Not often, but he's fun, with a rather oddball set of talents that strangely make sense. He throws piglets(I knocked Seamus off a stage once) and WHACKS people with a tree trunk that does 4/6/7 on Rams!

3. Rusty Alyce: Interesting and useful abilities, and NO one wants to be subject of her rapid fire.

4. Freikorpsman: The weak dg sucks, but it's very versatile, and reliable hitting in melee. Flurry to kill LCB ftw! Seriously, I recently purchased Von Schill and am rather impressed with all his models....speaking of which:

5. Librarian: It's already been said.

6. Bayou Gremlin: The ultimate bargain basement buy!

7. Taelor: High stat slow little powerhouse with some staying power. It takes awhile for her to get into melee, but like Alyce, NO ONE wants her attacking them.

8. Bishop: Want df 8 and trigger on all suits with a cb7? I like playing off whatever suit I flip, it's good random fun.

9. SPA: Nothing like turning your enemy into these buggers.....and they do so much...DE....help A&D, and generally give the enemy one more thing to worry about.

10. The stolen: They are truly expendable models. Paralyze threat if killed.....will summon a rat.....etc etc....just a royal gift that keeps giving......

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7. Ashes and Dust - Sure, it's expensive, but Cb7 3/4/6 with an auto-trigger is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it has Fast and Wk5. Able to heal, and pull off something more impressive than Humpty Dumpty and all the kings men, Ashes and Dust can end up taking up 3 activations in a turn for an impressive 7AP and 2 zero actions.

With Alyce it's 10AP + several (0) every other turn... there's nothing like planting 4 ! evidence in turn 1

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No Masters or Henchmen.

1. Desperate Mercs -- These guys are everywhere, and for so cheap!

2. Jack Daw -- one of the toughest models in the game, if not the toughest. Hell there are a handful of things he cares about at all.

3. Convict Gunslinger -- The Trigger Happy Threat is so good, now everyone can have it!

4. Freikorps Librarian -- So much healing, so lil' time

5. Killjoy -- Say what you will about his cost, he ends games.

6. Pigapult -- The board has never been so small.

7. Raphael Lacroix -- Dumb Luck > Hard to Kill > Green Blood = Nuff said

8. Taylor -- She is a Hammer that makes every problem a nail.

9. McTavish -- When a pig is not a Pig, and Gremlins have standards.

10. Rami Lacroix -- Our very own (Gremlin) Niño

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The problem with these lists are that ranking Outcasts against each other ignores the fact that they are almost never interchangeable options. Each of the crews has almost no overlap in the minions that can be taken (treating Von Schill as part of the Viks' crew and Ophelia as part of Som'er's).

This makes it a bit strange to say, for example, "Ashes and Dust is a better minion than Taelor". It begs the question: for who? Taelor is absolutely a better minion than A&D in a Viks crew, since A&D can't even be taken, and neither of them is any good in a Gremlin crew.

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The problem with these lists are that ranking Outcasts against each other ignores the fact that they are almost never interchangeable options.

This is true! It's still fun to do. I ranked them more on the delight I got from playing them, rather than a prioritized list of choices.

Hmm. Which Outcast models can be shared? Lemme see.

Jack Daw (Leveticus, Vik/Von)

Lazarus (Leveticus, Vik/Von)

Bert Jebsen (Vik/Von, Som'er/Ophelia)

Wong (Vik/Von, Som'er/Ophelia)

Gracie (anyone who takes Bert)

Killjoy (Leveticus, Vik/Von)

The Stolen (Leveticus, Hamelin)

Desperate Mercenary (Vik/Von, Hamelin)

Malifaux Rat (Hamelin, Som'er)

McTavish (Vik/Von, Som'er/Oph)

Hodgepodge (Leveticus, Hamelin, Vik, Som'er)

...Think that's it.

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Ah, a "delight per game" ranking makes much more sense. It also explains why Bishop is appearing on so many of these lists. ;)

In terms of enjoyment, I can only really rank the standouts:

1. Taelor

2. Freikorps Librarian

3. Nix

4. Ashes and Dust

5. Bishop

Everyone else is enjoyable to play as part of the team, but they don't stand out from the crowd. The first two are a big part of why I mostly play the Viks. :D

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