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Is this idea stupid? (rounding out my Ortegas)


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I'm in the midst of getting the family painted up.

I've been playing around with lists, and would ideally like something to add a little melee punch to the crew (plan atm is box subbing Poppa out for Abuela). Normally I'd look at maybe Witchlings or Executioner...thing is though, I've based my Family with a desert look, whereas the rest of my models are based with paved streets. So my Witchlings and Exe have the wrong bases for the crew (yes I know this is very anal of me). Also, they don't match the general cowboy aesthetic of the Ortega family.

So, playing around with crew creator and pullmyfinger I came upon an alternate idea: How would a Ronin work out? The look is right, the skills bring what I'm after to the table...two stones more expensive than the witchling, but more likely to get where needed.

Anyone tried this? did it work or was it a fail?

(and yes I know that I should build my crew to match scenario etc, and the Austringer WOULD be awesome...I'm really loking at an all-comers crew rather than win-at-all-costs here though.)

Edited by fishtank
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Wow. This is a good thought. More expensive than Witchlings or Death Marshalls, but it does more, so it seems to be a good trade off.

Stats and damage profiles are similar. But Ronin adds more movement with Run Through and Next Target AND it ignores severe terrain penalties when walking or charging. Its also Melee Expert with a really nice 2" range Daisho which ignores armor and gives :+fate to damage flips.

Compare this to another model in the price range, the Judge at 7ss, and I think I'd still take a Ronin instead. I often run with either 3 Death Marshalls or 3 Witchlings. I am thinking trading 3 of either of these for 2 Ronin wouldn't be a bad trade-off depending on the Strategy.

Nice find and something I'll be considering.

Edited by Cadilon
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Theme: yes , Utility: maybe. 6 SS is a bit much for a 6 Wd/ 5 Df melee-fighter with a Wk 4. I guess if you are fighting non-magic user or non-undead they would add a bit of variety.

Run Through: Too situational for 2 SS. You are better off just charging in most cases.

Witchling Stalker: Cb 6 3/4/6 (Critical Strike on every hit)

Ronin: Cb 5 2/3/5

They have the same range stats.

1 Cb is a big advantage plus, even if Witchling dies, that's 2 Dg on the melee opponent. I would say statistics favor the Stalker (more likely to hit and hits harder across the spread) Ronin are cool models and might change the scenery, but the Guild has way too many great low-SS minions that are much more economical.

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I use both from time to time. If I'm looking for real melee punch, I take a Ronin.:+fate on damage, melee expert and ignore armor is so easily worth 2ss in my book. Add the utility of Next target and the Defensive ability (Df8 minions. yes please!)... Witchings is what I usually take for body count ig I want to conserve points and still get a good melle model for the investment.

I say they are both worth it and if you prefer one over the other for theme purposes, then go for it, you certainly won't be gimping yourself with a lesser model by doing it.

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