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Gamers Lounge Episode 55 is all for you!


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Great podcast as always.

Interesting though, Sandwich makes his points much better in writing. I think a lot of the points about Rezzers that should have been made were overlooked, and a lot of time was spent talking about areas where they are actually strong. For example, a discussion of three of the best models the Rezzers have for their point cost (Crooked Man, Rotten Belle and Shikome) didn't do much to make his case.

Without the formal language of game criticism and analysis, it becomes very difficult to hold any discussion beyond highly subjective and out of context opinions and circular discussions. But its always good to hear thoughts from experienced players.

Very entertaining podcast!

+1 Agreed.

It was a shame Crooligans where only touched on towards the end and then only briefly.

Question for Zephir.

Would really like to hear more from you on how to get the best out of Molly, especially when aSeamus isn't being used.

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Slapping Spirits into the Ressers did not fix the Faction, they ruined it. Kirai and her spirits should have been held for the Ten Thunders Asian-themed Faction. I love her but she does not fit. Her minions stick out like sore thumbs and while that does not mean much to those who also have no problem bringing Von Schill in their Resser crew, it looks silly having a giant spirit bat and a crazy bat lady in a diaper in a crew of corpses.

Thank you to CJ for pointing out at the end that the Ressers got hosed outside of the spirits. Guild Autopies and Crooligans need to be fixed and Ressers need to get back to what they were thematically from Book 1, Victorian horror.

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Dont get me wrong, Nico would love a few extra stones to his cache, and a wk 4 would be lovely. But he is still good as written.

I went to NOVA Open, but ended up playing McMourning round 1 and Kirai the next three. I did decently, McMourning got beat by Lilith and Kirai did fine the next few rounds, but I ended up outside the top 3. And I didnt stay for the midnight tourney.

I will be at Gen Con this year, but not for tournaments. I am up for pick up games here an there though.

as for Molly I wrote this up a while ago. Take a look:

Im not going to try and tell you that Molly is an end all winner, becasue her crew selection is just far too limited. But I will say don't get discouraged by her and she is a lot of fun.

Molly has a few advantages that you will need to learn in order to play her.

#1 is speed. Its mask intensive speed, but speed none the less. Work Madame Sybelle and Rotten belles into position and work those objectives. If you any Mission where you can claim 4 points and not lose them (Anything with Evidence comes to mind) Molly can get you there as well as any Resser not named Kirai.

#2 She isn't a chump to Kill. Its nice to have a master who can stand up to a hit with out other models protecting her. Not saying you want her staring down a Vicki or anything, but she will surprise you with how hard she can be to kill.

#3 Wrecks the living. Unfortunate that so little of malifaux is alive, but Molly can force a lot of Morale duels with her AP. Terrifying and Reveal Philip can force those pesky guild guys to head for the hills.

#4 Necrotic Machine. Kill your opponents biggest threat. Thats about what his card says. I usually dont re-summon them since they aren't signifigant and dont leave a corpse when they sac, but they are sooo good.

Molly's biggest weakness is that she has the worlds most limited crew, Including 4 totems she has access to 9 models. And there isn't a lot of ability coverage. The Rogue Necro is require since nothing else in the crew can really deliver a melee punch. Also it leaves behind a lot of bodies when it dies, and it pretty much always will. Sybelle is a must take since she gives you a lot of movement tricks and a belle Alpha strike. But until Molly gets some cheap hitting horrors she will always have trouble.

I would say the absolute most important thing to remember with Molly is that Malifaux is objective based. You can kill everything your foe has and still lose the game. Molly is good at getting objectives, so keep your focus and grab every VP you can.

---------- Post added at 09:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ----------

A Quick add on to Molly. Just finished listening to Gamers Lounge Ep 54. (Bill link it) and Bill's interview with Eric declared that Eric is 100%, no doubt, swearing to us that some Molly love will release at Gen Con. I think we as a resser community have 2 options here. Thank him graceously when it happens or start a fire Riot if it doesn't =)

---------- Post added at 09:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 AM ----------

Another Add on for Molly!

What kind of lists are people taking with her and Seamus? I haven't been able to get the points to work out right.

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Thanks, Zephir!

More and more, I think Molly is going to be my intro Resser. I have played Kirai several times and she is great both visually and game-wise and she will be an eventual buy, but she will forever be another Faction to me, so she waits at the bottom of the list. Molly, Raspy, or Kaeris will be next.

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The idea of Molly becoming more viable is fantastic. I like her at times. I find that the necrotic machine and even grave spirit are nice with her if she is with Nicodem in a higher point game because they can take over reanimating with stones when he manifests.

I enjoy the first couple of turns with Molly and Seamus because everything is so fast, but the problem for me is that I feel that Seamus is an auto-manifest currently, so speed is lost and Molly's aura is not that big.

If we could get something like Calmdown's suggestion of Seamus having Anathema while Face of Death is on, I could see games where I never even manifest him happening and he stays on the board helping his belles and resummoning when necessary.

I *DO* like that Molly is so durable. Pitiful is great combined with the fact that she is a henchman that can use soulstones and with the right DF trigger does not even need to take damage anyway.

But, she is the only 9 point model in the game that I have ever played where on more than one occasion I have found myself literally saying out loud, "She cannot do anything useful at the moment, I am passing her remaining action". After which I use her instinctual (0) pitiful to keep her safe again, again verbalizing, "Molly is PITIFUL"

But, when she is useful? VERY...

One question I had that I forgot to ask from your good interview... Sandwich brought up the Watcher against Seamus and it felt like you said it was no big deal and you had plenty of ways of dealing with the watcher...

I am all ears. :)

Range 16, flying, immune to influence construct that can single-handedly emasculate aSeamus.

Lastly, I would be interested to know how you think you would do at Nova with Nicodem.

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Well Clearly I would have won the whole thing has I played Nico =)

As for the Watcher, I usually just track them down and kill them before Seamus Manifests. His gun kills them on Min damage. and there are enough decently fast models to track it down. I don't know, its never really been an issue for me i guess.

Also Seamus has a lot more tactics then just be terrifying once manifested. He is still a heavy hitter with Arm 2 and by spamming with Bellowing of the Big Bastard with Gorgon's Miasma he can make a guild crew run for the hills.

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I will say that as a guild player, the Watcher makes it into all of my lists vs ressers. At the same time, please remember that the watcher:

1. only has 4 wounds

2. Is not a hunter

3. is only Ht 1

He does not ignore terrain, and cannot see through complete sections of obscuring terrain. He also does not have more than 2 ap. Mv 7 is a lot, but positioning can be very important to mitigating a watcher on the board. And if you can get to it, it dies fairly easy.

Edited by nix
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And if you can get to it, it dies fairly easy.

That's the thing really...

I regularly face 2. Staying in cover and trying to focus on them while a peacekeeper or Santiago or LadyJ want to have a "discussion" has been problematic. They can sit in their deployment zone, only moving when needed for better angles and shoot all game long. When they have no target, they just do that annoying "look at top card" thing. Or worse, flank for some objecive that I few few things as fast to go after them.

Everything is situational, I know, it just seemed like he was saying that he had some easy ways of dealing with them, but to be honest, it sounds more like opponents left them vulnerable than some particular tactic on his part.

But I 100% agree that if I catch them, they crumple like tinfoil.

I wonder about a shikome with seamus and just send her as a guided missile. :)

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I have a question about the shikome with seamus and Mcm (i think you said you dont take it with Nico). What do you usually set as its prey? Master? big minion? Do you use it as first or 2nd wave attack?

I tried it tonight with a seamus crew with one, (picks on my twitter) went pretty well i thought until i reminded my opponent lillith can now attack through walls. Just didnt seem to get as much out of it as possibly a bette.

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I was pretty surprised at Sandwich's "performance".

He is a much better writer than ad-lib speaker. :)

If I gauged that as a debate, I think that zephir won.

I did appreciate the retraction on "Dead Rider Grief". (Loves me my dead rider...)

I was wondering if zephir finds Nicodem so balanced, how did he place at Nova, Gencon or Adepticon or any other tournament of more than 8 or so players?

I ask that as a question, not as some sort of rhetorical attack. I am genuinely interested in hearing about the playstyles and crews of people that take masters that many of the rest of us struggle with and beat the same crews that we struggle against.

I *WANT* Nicodem to fare better. I do not WANT to be right that he needs more soulstones an extra walk inch and perhaps something like calmdowns suggestion that Decay loses the :ranged

So, the more I learn from better players, the happier I will be. But, in reading here for a long time and going to tournaments and just generally trying myself, I find that the talk of masters like Nicodem appears more theory than results...

Yeah, I wasn't really ready for the scope of the conversation.

Just wait til the next one. ;D

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Another Add on for Molly!

What kind of lists are people taking with her and Seamus? I haven't been able to get the points to work out right.

To be fair I've been experimenting a lot with builds to try and get crooligans to work, so I don't really have anything like a staple list, other than Seamus, Sybelle, Molly, and at least 1 Belle.

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