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New to Guild, Perdita box.


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Just got my stuff in the mail and was thinking about some list ideas. I am a Warmachine and Hordes Vet, but have never played any Malifaux. All my models were chosen on looks and theme and could use some suggestions on a good build and a general overview on the workings of the Faction. Thanks.

I have:

Perdita starter crew

Abuela Ortega

Samael Hopkins

Enslaved Nephilim.

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Thanks edonil, I've really noticed Malifaux gaining ground at the LGS and am excited to get my first game in this sunday. The card mechanic and the objective play are the things that really have me interested. Now if I could just clear my paint table of these commissions I could get started on my own models :P

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I'm fairly new as well (only heard about the game in January, started collecting in March, started playing in may or so), and I too started with Perdita (and the Guild in general).

If you like either of the sculpts (as you mentioned appearances were important), the Guild Austringer is an incredible model. It's damage isn't spectacular, but the ability to park one within a building or behind heavy cover and hurl his bird up to 18" away can mean picking off targets on what feels like the entire board. One or two of these (depending on your objectives, the rest of your crew, opponent, SS count, etc) can provide heavy cover fire and act as a serious deterrent to anyone thinking of engaging you.

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I love perdita, the only issue I have with her is her low starting cache, I almost always want 8 so I can have more options during the game.

I have exactly the same model collection as you (regarding Ortega's) except that I have an executioner instead of sam, I also have a brutal effigy and Sue though am yet to use these.

The executioner has proved pretty good as I often play vs lillith and her crew want to close with me as much as possible.

Companion is one of the biggest strength's of the Ortega's, and knowing when to use this and how many to companion can make or break a game.

I'm currently assembling Perdita's Avatar, and am waiting on ryle, as I love miniguns. I'm pretty sure some witchling stalkers will come in handy too, as they are pretty cheap and can be nasty, from what I have read.

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My son plays Ortegas and I hate them. :)

Abuela gives nice utility. An added Exorcist helps certain matchups too. Granting magic weapons when fighting against Kirai means that Nino is a Seishin murderer. (Add an Austringer and they have no where to hide.)

Exorcist can also clear out those pesky corpse counters that rezzers want.

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My son plays Ortegas and I hate them. :)

Abuela gives nice utility. An added Exorcist helps certain matchups too. Granting magic weapons when fighting against Kirai means that Nino is a Seishin murderer. (Add an Austringer and they have no where to hide.)

Exorcist can also clear out those pesky corpse counters that rezzers want.

If only exorcist worked like that...

He grants magic only to melee weapons!

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My son is grounded.

Spoken like a true gamer dad! Ha!

The Exorcist has aided me in granting Perdita magical weapons against Kirai's crew though, since she has Gunfighter and Kirai's spirits like being in your face. Outside of that he adds a great magical element, a bit of board control, and a crossbow... because crossbows are awesome.

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because crossbows are awesome
, yes but bow ties are cool.

None of my group use ressers or spirits, so I have little to no experience needing them. Currently looks like I will be getting the only resser (seamus eventually probably, due to having the dead justice set so wanting to get both uses out of it).

I was thinking about Abuela, and while i love the idea of her, making the executioner family was pretty much all she did when i used her, Perdita was nearer where I needed Obey's and her slow speed meant she didn't contribute much.

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