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So with all the talk about building Dead Justice crews with undead executioners, guild autopsies and the like, I thought I'd try something a little different. Introducing, Neverdita!


At some point I'll paint the rest of her starter box, then probably expand from there with some other guild models/proxies.

I'd originally posted this on my Twitter feed but people want to know how I painted her skin, so I thought I'd just bit the bullet and post it here too. ;)

I started with a white basecoat and liberally covered with GW's Badab black wash. I then just drybrushed GW Elf Grey over the top (it's basically a light grey with a slight bluish tinge to it).

The hair is just GW Tentacle pink with a heavy GW red wash.

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So with all the talk about building Dead Justice crews with undead executioners, guild autopsies and the like, I thought I'd try something a little different. Introducing, Neverdita!


At some point I'll paint the rest of her starter box, then probably expand from there with some other guild models/proxies.

I'd originally posted this on my Twitter feed but people want to know how I painted her skin, so I thought I'd just bit the bullet and post it here too. ;)

I started with a white basecoat and liberally covered with GW's Badab black wash. I then just drybrushed GW Elf Grey over the top (it's basically a light grey with a slight bluish tinge to it).

The hair is just GW Tentacle pink with a heavy GW red wash.

Beautiful work.

But !

Possibly could do two horns of the hat to be more Neverborn !


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Stealing this...sort of. I was working on something very similar for my new Lilith crew, but was having trouble with the colors. I had tried playing with an old technique I had use, but the lighter tones were throwing me off. Now I have your example to work off of.

Thank you once again for great inspirations.

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Well, I've just got back from my local GW store and have found the appropriate new paints to correlate to what Rathnard used. Apparently The best way to get that pink is to use Emperor's Children (layer), with a red wash and if you like highlight with Changeling Pink (drybrush). For the skin, Fenrisian Grey is a good layer but a little dark, so if you're up for drybrushing the suggestion would be Etherium Blue.

I can't wait to paint my Lilith crew, after seeing a picture of Rathnar's that he sent me, I feel like I'm turning pink...

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Yep, that's about right. Emperors Children is a darker pink than Tentacle pink. So combined with the red wash and a drybrush of Changeling Pink or the old Tentacle pink, that'd probably produce a better effect than what I do.

I think Ulthan Grey is closer than Etherium Blue to the Elf Grey I use, so you could use that as either a replacement or a second drybrush.

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