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Red Box Games

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Probably old to some of you, but I recently discovered Red Box Games and have been blown away by the quality of their models. As a fan of fantasy that is actually gritty (unlike a certain hammer of war) as well as Norse mythology and the Dark Ages, these look fantastic. If I had the money I'd definitely pick up the Dvergr (dwarfs) and Goblins, but then with many singles being £3.14 on Maelstorm, I might cave in on a few. Unfortunately I don't have any advanced functions so I can't post photos, but here's a link to their website: http://red-box-games.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=19

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Keep your eyes open. Tre's planning to post a Kickstarter campaign next week. It'll be a great opportunity to pick up an entire army of his stuff.

I'm still a bit tapped from last month's Sedition Wars feeding frenzy and I really want to save my pennies for Ten Thunders, but I'd love to pick up a Helsvakt warband too! What to do, what to do?



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As well laid out as it seems, I think by starting with such a small goal (and more importantly so few pledges) limits the full potential of this. Small goal is good as it adds to momentum, but I know if I was just passing through I'd be put off by just one option for a reward. Chances are it will turn out like Tor Gaming's IndieGoGo campaign which opened up to the rest of the range with stretch goals for upcoming models. Once I can get Dwarves and Goblins instead of those chaos warriors, I may be tempted.

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I agree that he kept the pledge options too tightly limited. However, he has said over on Frothers that he's planning to announce a command group as a set of stretch goals, which should open things up a bit. And my understanding is that he intends to convert the whole line to Trollcast and publish some rules, using Kickstarter to fund both and several future expansions. You'll probably have a chance to pick up dwarfs and goblins at some point.

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