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Lovecraft meets malifaux Challenge

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Hello everyone, I would like to invite you all to attempt this challenge I made while creating a type of Lovecraft survival game with my malifaux miniatures. This game involved me creating Stat cards for these god-like monsters called ancient ones. As in lovecraftian lore they are pretty much unstoppable and I did my best to reflect that in their stats and abilities as well as fluff.

However since I haven't played a game of malifaux yet I haven't tested them out and it looks like it may be some time before I can. So I will ask if anyone of you here would be willing to attempt a battle against these great evils?

So without any further delay I will present the first challenger!


WalK: 10

Charge: 15

Height: 5

Willpower: 17

Casting: 18


Wounds: 58


Fangs : range 3, combat 19, Damage 9/11/14

Serpent limbs: range 8, combat 16, damage 8/9/10


Serpent Kin- when this model is put on the map put 5 serpent tokens around him. These serpents have a walk of 3, Charge 5, df 3, wp 3, 3 wounds and can use bite (combat 6) 0/0/0 damage on a model within one inch, bitten model receives poison if :crowsor Paralyze if :tomes

Strange eons- if this model is killed instead bury him for 3 turns.

Yig’s anger- When one of yigs serpents is killed this model moves its walk toward the model responsible. If model is in range it may execute an attack on that model.

Terrifying 14

Regeneration 1

Melee expert

Fast 2

King of Serpents - this model can control any other serpent models. (can exchange its own action points to move a serpent)


Fangs- Paralyze :tomes or :rams- this model is paralyzed permanately

Fangs- Yig’s poison :crows or :masks- enemy model receives poison, if not treated will die at the end of next turn. (may cure by using a serpent corpse counter)

Serpent lims- Constict :masks- Enemy model receives insignificant.


Command snakes- May move all snakes their walk value in any direction.

Go under- Model buries itself and may still move and attack other buried models in this state.


Mark of Yig-20- One snake gains wk 6, ch 8, df 6, wp 5, wounds 5, fangs cmb 6 3/5/6 with trigger yig’s poison.

Primal magic-24- all snakes with mark of yig gain trigger Onslaught :masks or :crows.

So there you Are. You may use several crews to try to take him down. It also cannot use soul stones. Like I said I haven't tested it so any comments on ways to make it better or questions on how it works just let me know! Please include a battle report if you like, but not necessary.

Have Fun, i'll post more if this guy is successfully buried.

Edited by monkeysmiles
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I don't see the point myself, creating lesser creatures seems like a fun idea, but if a great old one rocks up are you going to have a steamship handy to ram it back into the depths?

Furthermore there is no SS cost associated with it so there is no comparison to be made and you have also breaking the rules by giving it action points whereas you could have given it fast, nimble and melee master for the same affect without breaking the rules.

Lastly you should perhaps consider the RPG Call of Cthulhu. None of the creatures are so obviously powerful that they cannot be defeated, their strength was in their power to inspire insanity. When cornered by the Ghoul King our party all miraculously passed our sanity checks and blew it back into the nether with a barrage of shotgun shells.

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Thanks for the reply, since I made this stat card for my version of the game it doesn't follow strictly by malifaux rules since I am not playing a malifaux game, and as I mentioned before I never played a malifaux game so i didn't know at the time how fast, melee expert ect. worked.

I did also make a converter to include the monsters from the arkham horror game as well as investigators. I also made more stat cards for creatures like the wolfman and dracula. I put up these ancient ones because I wanted to see how they would test out. I am satisfied with the other monsters however if anyone would like to try them out I can post them.

Keep in mind this is just for fun (and for me to play around since no one around me plays malifaux that I know of yet).

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I think scaling back the combat and defense slightly would be one thing to look at. Obviously it should be hard to hurt etc but the defences mean about the only thing in a crew that could possibly touch him would be the one big nasty, and maybe the master. The combat is high enough that each attack is a one hit kill against almost everything as well. What might be a better way to go is focus more on the minions (if you read lovecraft the minions is really what you see... i havent read through everything but so far the goat with a thousand young showed up once, and the rest have only showed up in visions and dreams etc). Arkham horror is a fantastic board game, the game is about fighting the minions to prevent the ancient ones from coming up at all. If you do something more like that where you have objectives and if you dont get them done by turn 5/6 whatever then the ancient one awakens. Then the goal is preventing it period, can still be a challenge but as it is its not possible at all except good range guys or maybe Leveticus himself... might as well just say "you lose" otherwise.

Edited by Dreygan
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My entire crew was killed by the time I got halfway through reading the stat line.

I would recommend reading the stat cards for Pandora, avatar Seamus, Lord Chompy Bits/Dreamer, Bête Noir, Leveticus and Hollow Waif, Soulstone Miner and Insidious Madness. All of these have elements that I feel may be useful for what you are trying to do.

I like the ability to attack Buried models while buried, but to make this work within the rules, I would suggest a clause that states "while buried, this model may attack other buried models as if both models were in base to base contact and in play." Maybe on a strike that inflicts wounds, the other buried model gets knocked back into play!

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Maybe on a strike that inflicts wounds, the other buried model gets knocked back into play!

I actually really like that idea, very very similar to how the actual stories read.

---------- Post added at 09:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------

What about adding something where the attacks are actually wp>wp instead of combat vs defense? or peraps the attacks deal half damage to willpower before hitting wds, something like that.

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Thanks for all the feedback. I'll give you the context of the game I play so to give you a better understanding. it combines what I love about arkham horror and its fluff with the fluff and combat system in malifaux. I play it on a board that I made combining different materials to create this world with different locations. Like in Arkham horror I have event locations that effect models occupying a certain area along with world events that effect models in all locations with world events occurring on odd turns and location events occurring on even turns.

There are also stores on my map which you can purchase items to aid your models. I also use malifaux models and arkham horror miniatures from the mansions of madness game that will appear as random encounters through out the game as well as classic monsters like the headless horseman and Frankenstein which I use proxies for. I added the a mechanic "hide" so that it is possible to avoid battles. I have several different games I can play using the map, but my typical game is a CO-OP with a goal to find the four beacons of light which are scattered throughout the world, these markers are hidden with other markers that hide traps. One of these traps is a cult ritual which can also be caused by a world event. The cult ritual puts 4 cult models and a cult leader model around a ritual marker. In five turns the ritual is complete and each turn after they can roll a dice and if they get a six they can summon an ancient one.

When the ancient one wakes it IS suppose to mean game over, I just added the stats so me and my friends can have fun running around the map in terror of this thing while attempting to try and stop it or get the last beacon for the win. It is possible in my game to bury it with an elder sign that you can get from the shop if you accumulated enough gold from killing monsters.

From the reactions I have gotten it does seem that Yig is unstoppable where it is now. I wanted to be sure since I have little experience with the malifaux game. Of course that where it should be being an ancient one and all. A quick fix for the purpose of this challenge would be that it simply won't flip a fate card for the duel so you just need to get higher than its original stat.

I am glad that people like Yig's bury mechanic counter I feel that that is what this game needs to counter a tough mechanic as well as more counters for spirits. I like that clarity of makin it in base contact. I believe I will change it to a wp vs. wp and if the defending model fails it is unburied along with yig.

Edited by monkeysmiles
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