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Anyone used that title yet? I'm quite pleased with it, but I'm sure someone else must have purloined it...

So I've finally got round to uploading some of my crews. I got into the game this time last year and I've finally painted stuff and built terrain and started playing games and things and stuff and jazz.

Lots of ands.

Anyway, on with the pics; First up are the Ortega's...







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Funny you should say that, Mirarii... Photos incoming.

As far as tutorials are concerned... Those buildings are time consuming to make and I don't intend to make anymore soon. I do have a few construction photos somewhere, so I'll upload them when I find them.

They are simply foam core with either balsa or lolly sticks stuck to the outside. Balsa has been used on the balconies and in some of the details. The rooftops are simply either corrugated card or shingles made from cereal boxes.

I'll also get photos of the interior done too - the saloon has a balcony and bar area. Can't seem to upload photos from my iPad, though, so you'll have to wait until I get to a computer!

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  • 2 months later...

So... More Models painted! I didn't manage to get Kaeris done in the end...

I did Nekima instead. Now, the wings ended up being a rushed job - it's the first time I've ever done any scultping and after about six hours I reached the "forget this, i just want it finished" stage and got them done and stuck to my model. Anyway, I hope Nekima as an evil fairy rather than dragon-winged menace doesn't upset people...






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Dammit. I was gonna post some Showgirls, but the photo file size is too large and I have no idea how to shrink them as I am computer illiterate.

Well, I shall bother the fiance until she does it for me and return with a slew of pretty girls!

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry posts on here are so sporadic; I'm not as computer literate as I'd like to be and as such find downloading and uploading photos to be a drag.

Having said that, I've finally finished painting the exteriors and interiors of my buildings and I've got some pics of them being used at my local games club in an all day gaming event.

Also, there are some showgirls.

Sorry my pictures aren't very good; I don't have access to a good camera. I'm hoping this changes soon; when it does, I'll get some good photos done.

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Looks awesome , love the terrain also the fairy wings look good the veins on the wings could be thinner but the over all effect looks great .

Also there is a photo bucket app that works fantastic , I take all my pics with my phone and post a lot of them right from my phone using the photo bucket app . Also cropping and resizing is actually way easier on my phone or an Ipad .

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