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Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster Kickstarter

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Been keeping an eye on this for awhile, but I was shocked to hear that not only will the gorgeous models be plastic, but you'll get 50 of them too. The board looks rather plain, but that's not too much of an issue while the game iteslf sounds interesting. Honestly, I'd support this purely because it's Studio Mcvey =D


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Yeah, not sure why all the Kickstarters are happening roughly at the same time, since that only weakens them.

I haven't ever made a pledge to anything before, not sure if I'll do so for this, but will definitely buy it when it's released.

Though have to say I'm fascinated with how these comapnies create their Kickstarters and sell the game, the videos particularly are interesting to watch (did spot some jerky moverment though).

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Also pledged at the $100 level on the first day, since I missed Zombicide pledge by a day, and am kicking myself over that. Kind of thrilled how well it is doing and that I am now getting far more with the box than I originally bargained for.

I do agree it is a lot all at once though, especially since those two are both in partnership with CMON...They are going to have an insane GenCon (Sedition Wars, Relic Knights, new release of Super Dungeon Explore, Zombicide, Dark Age, relaunch of Confrontation, and Wrath of Kings). My unpainted model count is going to explode. I was so close to having everything done.

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Ya, unpainted models.... I too was close to done...

thankfully i can say that my puppet wars will be done this weekend, and my Hordes croclegators will be done probably in two weeks. I should have my relic knights done by gencon ( all three of them...), my rusted heroes are done too :). So then all i will have to do is sell my dreadfleet (jk) and paint the darksword minis I have (pay no attention to those other warmachine models or my MERCS squad...)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Ok I pledged!


*collapses in tears*

The... the.. baby drones...adorable-wah...

Ahem. But yes, pledged $175 getting me Biohazard plus Terrain, Ridley, Banks and shipping. At first I wasn't going to do it, because money's tight, then I was debating whether to do it next week or not. Then I did it =P

Needless to say this thing has to explode in the next few days for it to raise what it deserves and for me- I mean WE to get more goodies =D

Let's hope Puppet Wars is as cheap as Wyrd say, coz I know I ain't resisting those adorable dolls of death =D

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Sorry did I say $175? I meant $270 - Biohazard, Terrain, extra tiles, Lights Out complete, Ridley, Banks, Ramirez, Hixen and shipping - and counting =D

We're well on the way to getting baby drones now.

But I'm fascinated with the kind of reactions the project's been getting, especially when someone mentions marketing ;)

Oh, and am I the only one who thinks that Board Game Geek is a really ugly website? So cluttered and messy, and from what I've seen not quite a courteus community as our own here ;)

But overall I think this whole "fad" has been quite an interesting and enlightening experience. Looking forward to my extra goodies =]

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final stretch goal was posted. Iron lily looks awesome :). Battlefoam bag and THI lifter are also up for additional purchases. Now is the time to back biohazard. You can plan out what you want to buy since I don't believe they are going to be adding anything else.

3 days till we break quarantine and turn into a biohazard...

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Yesterday my willpower crumbled like a digestive in coffee. I like to think my backing it allowed them to reach their goal. I now have 9 months to get through my painting backlog.

If it weren't for my vacation, the Kings of War project, and the Tooth and Nail: Factions project, I probably would've gone in pretty hardcore on this one, too. I am glad to see that it is a roaring success, though.

Yes I am working through my back log of painting too currently at bat are:


alkemy cat people starter set


not too bad but it's always daunting to ssee all that bare plastic.

I'm still a bit sad that Studio38 never responded to my inquiry about doing demos for them stateside. I guess they want to hold off until they can get the starter issue settled since they are only making new models and not reissuing the older ones.

It's a fun game and a really nice miniatures line. I have a couple of friends who are using them for Song of Blades and Heroes.

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Cheers, my graduation ceremony is also on my 21st birthday so it's a bit of a relief =]

Well I'll have Puppet Wars before SW so hopefully I'll be able to start with them.

I'm getting 2x Biohazard so have plans to divide it into batches and paint them differently for variety (converting some Vanguard into two seperate mercenary groups, dividing Strain into patients, surgeons and doctors, etc).

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...Oh, and am I the only one who thinks that Board Game Geek is a really ugly website? So cluttered and messy, and from what I've seen not quite a courteus community as our own here ;)

In a word, no. In a few more words, the BGG site is one of those that is so huge that a full rework of the site is likely outside the scope of the actual staff (if I remember right, it's less than 5 people- I want to say the owner, his wife, and a webmaster).

There's a perfect crowdsource project, actually. Get enough funding and BGG can hire people to redo the site.

I just found out I'm graduating university, whoop! =D


I'm sticking to my original amount. Otherwise its a slippery slope.

Tell me about it. Mantic got another $25 each from my friend and I for one more buy-one-get-one added to the order, hahaha.

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