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Newbie looking for what "Daddy Chompy" looks like


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Hello all,

I'm rather new to the forums and Malifaux in general. I have a Hoffman set and a Hamelin set (but don't blame me for that; I didn't know the hype when I got it :P), and I've only ever played against Von Schill and Ramos.

Anyway, my friend, another Malifaux newbie, wants to use the Dreamer, after learning about its scarygood quality in-game. The person I was playing against with Ramos, who is more experienced than either of us combined, told him and I that there is a "baby" Lord Chompy Bits (named after the pose he makes; "Daddy pick me up!"), and a special HUGE Chompy.

I have been trying to find a decent pic of "Daddy Chompy" for a good while since, and haven't found a thing. Anyone know what I am talking about, and/or has pics of this?

Thanks in advance!

~Lil Kalki

(P.S. -- This should be the right forum for this, right? It IS Neverborn, after all...)

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So... what is the Daddy Chompy actually? Is it an alternative sculpt for the doorway avatar version?

Daddy Lord Chompy aka Nightmare Lord Chompy was a special edition version of the model that was only sold in limited quantities.

First at Gencon 2010 and then during a special Black Friday sale in 2011. A few more were given away as prize support at some larger cons.

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Honestly $200 is a bit of steal. At the height of there rarity(before the black friday sale). They could go for over $300.

With Wyrd starting to work with plastics though there may be a chance we see a re-release someday. The main reason he was a limited model was the fact that he was just one solid chunk of metal.

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Anyone have pictures of Regular LCB, Nightmare LCB, and Avatar LCB all in a row for size comparisons?

I have a real love/hate relationship with the Avatar LCB. I really don't like "Static" models and having a figure dragging a doorway across the table really isn't something I like. Now if I can cut off the bed with Dreamer and mount it on Nightmare LCB I'll have a reason to buy the Avatar box. Otherwise just plain Nightmare LCB will be used as my Avatar..

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