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Mcmourning at 35 stones?

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So i'm usually a fan of non-conventional lists and McMourning is my next project.

I'm hoping you can help me out here.

As far as ressers, of all factions I have the least models but below is a list of what I have or am willing to grab

Mcmourning's totem

Rogue Nec

3 canine remains


2 nurses


Flesh Construct

Night Terrors

Guild Autopsies


Necro punks

I would really like to run Von Schill along with Mcmourning, maybe sue?

Can anyone give me some hints at building a decent list with this? Or what a good synergy of models would be?

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If you are a fan of unconventional then dont take Von Schill, he must be the most used model in Resser crews.

I tend to build my McM crews around a core of Seb, 2 or 3 remains, and either Bette or Dead Rider, so you already have those covered. Night Terrors are an almost auto include as well especially for objective grabbing schemes as they can be increadibly fast

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McMourning is not unconventional. 6 months ago he was, but since he was talked about so much in the last few months everyone is playing him and everyone has copied the lists that were discussed (McM, dog, chihuahua, Von Schill, add stuff to taste) so he's pretty bland to play now.

As the guys above have said, you have a standard mcMourning list... not much else to it.

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Thinking about it though, you could take the Flesh Constructs and Rogue Necro from the start, rather than summoning them onto the table. The would certainly be out of the ordinary

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 7 Pool

Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

Flesh Construct [7ss]

Flesh Construct [7ss]

Guild Autopsy [3ss]

Guild Autopsy [3ss]

Guild Autopsy [3ss]

Rogue Necromancy [10ss]

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