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Best use of Hex


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On Stitched Togethers you can Hex away their Does Not Die ability or their Gamble your Life. I have taken away their Gamble your Life before against a Collodi player.

I have also used an Madness's whisper to 'shut off' someone's Immune to Influence then Hexed that off them. Teaches them for not reading the card very well and shrugging off the damage line of the whisper.

Also been a few triggers I have tried to hex away but often people will throw their best cards to protect those.

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Off of our own models? I have only done it a few times but the main ones were the Silirid's one that hurts them if they are not near one or near water *I needed it to live and go complete an objective*, and I had planned on hexing it away on one of the twins before if the other died *Lelu barely survived instead so I did not need to*.

As for the desperate Mercs, it is not a bad idea, just Hex is a two AP spell and needs the right cards. So depending on what you are planning with the mercs it might not be necessary.

I have also tried to hex off shatter off of a Rasputina group but he went and used like a 12 or 13 to resist, but at the very least I drew it out of his hand before he went off onto his spells.

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Anything they have spent resources to acquire, such as lazarus' ability, or any minion that can use soulstones. Take away that ability and they are much weaker. Also it's a non-master model, so you can hex off use soulstone from a henchmen who's been hired by a master.

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