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Strategies and Schemes involving Masters with more than one model



Hi all. I'm a bit confused by how the strategies and schemes work that target a master when playing with the Viktorias or the Dreamer. There are 3 schemes in question that I'm specifically talking about, Assassinate, Bodyguard and Steal Relic.

Firstly, the strategy Contain Power is pretty clear in that it says "all your opponent's leaders are no longer in the game". From this I'd assume that you need to kill both Viks or both the Dreamer and LCB to score. Easy :)

Second, Assassinate and Bodyguard say to "...make a note of one of your opponent's Masters or Henchmen." In the Bodyguard scheme only, it goes on to say that "Multiple model Leaders are considered to be one selection in regards to this scheme." This line is not in Assassinate. So from that, I'd assume for assassinate you choose one of the two models as the target and score if that one model is killed, but for bodyguard you choose both models and score if you have either left on the table?

Third, Steal Relic says that you target "...your opponent's Master...", with no other specifications regarding one model or multiple models. So I'm unsure if you announce one model out of the two as the target to interact with or do you announce that either/or is the target?

Very confusing...


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Had a little disagreement with an opponent on this subject at a recent tournament. He pointed out that the wording on Assassinate and bodyguard specified that you may choose a different model each time and not a different master or henchman, and therefore you only targeted a single model with both schemes.

Any reason they changed wording in those schemes? Seems to cause confusion.

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Had a little disagreement with an opponent on this subject at a recent tournament. He pointed out that the wording on Assassinate and bodyguard specified that you may choose a different model each time and not a different master or henchman, and therefore you only targeted a single model with both schemes.

Any reason they changed wording in those schemes? Seems to cause confusion.

Yeah that's why I'm confused I guess. That and the fact that bodyguard has the specification that two models equals one but assassinate doesn't? Also this was the only previous thread about assassinate I could find http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?20897-Assassinate-the-Dreamer/page3&highlight=viktorias%26quot%3B%2B%26quot%3Bscheme

But yeah, makes sense to have it consistent across all schemes and strategies. Just means that Slaughter is the only "objective" that counts them as two separate models (each model counts as 6ss instead of a single master counting as 10ss.)

Would be good if the wording was the same across all of them though, would stop the confusion :)

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