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Real Life Steam Punk Arachnid Spiders

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Steampunk is something that's gotten further and further from what I felt was steampunk. The Industrial Revolution* was a period when things were aesthetically functional (note that aesthetic taste may vary), not just made from recycled watch parts.

While this might sound a bit harsh, there ain't no steam in those spiders, and recycled does not punk make. They're well made, but not what I'd call steampunk.

*No, steampunk is not the industrial revolution, but was certainly influenced by it, to say the least.

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Yeah, they're nice design, I just am tired of people calling themselves or their creations steampunk when they really mean "made out of brass and leather." Then again, steampunk got co-opted by other unsavory folk, long before designers got their mits on it, so maybe I'm objecting about not being true to what no longer exists...

BTW-- love the sig pic

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Yeah, they're nice design, I just am tired of people calling themselves or their creations steampunk when they really mean "made out of brass and leather." Then again, steampunk got co-opted by other unsavory folk, long before designers got their mits on it, so maybe I'm objecting about not being true to what no longer exists...

BTW-- love the sig pic

I understand what you mean. I guess, we just have to accept that anything that becomes mainstream would end up being corrupted by the non-purists... grunge, emo, steampunk, and now Zombies... oh well.

Hehehe... my opponent thought he had won last week when he tried to kill Lady J with 3 positive damage flips (which a severe flip would have killed her) until the last card came out as the Black Joker... we had to review the rules just to be sure.

Well, that's Malifaux.

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While I agree with the poster above, for me the pre-industrial "steam-punk" period is characterize by the complete lack of generic/universal/one-size-fits-all/interchangeable parts period that came out of the efficiency of the assembly line.

It's a period when everything was hand made to the customers request and no two items were exactly alike.

No, it wasn't like that at all, but that's the myth I think of.

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