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Rasputina Biting Chill/Overposer clarification



Just a rules clarification here:

When Rasputina successfully casts Biting Chill, it automatically triggers Overpower.

A) Does that mean you cannot select Surge if you fail as a trigger for the spell, after the fact?

Or B) is Overpower a "freebie" that doesn't count towards triggers?

My understanding is A but I don't want to be missing out on free cards either.


Obviously the title is supposed to read "overpower." Typos Happne

Edited by johntoenjes
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I was under the impression that you got to pick your trigger.

Overpower is automatically triggered on cast, so it prevents you from choosing another trigger since by the rules you can only have 1 trigger per duel result. And taking a harder look at her card it does say automatically, and not "MAY" automatically. So Kadeton has it right in that since Overpower is the trigger, you can't have another one.

As for A, you declare triggers as soon as you finalize your duel total, in this case, the casting total. Overpower is auto triggered AFTER the target fails the resist total... so I can see where the confusion is. Theoretically, I suppose you could announce Surge if you snagged another tome in the casting, and if the target resists you get Surge, and if he fails you get Overpower.

As far as I know, Overpower even as a "freebie" still counts toward the one trigger per cast thing, so your B point is wrong as you expected.

I'm kind of curious as to if the theory is true.... now I've confused myself.

(EDIT: WOW it had my last post. So I thought all that got erased. So here's what I wrote instead of all that above this Edit in order to try and make more sense.)

okay so I wrote out an entire response that got deleted.

And then I pasted over it. With nothing. So cliff notes version here.

Basically, Kadeton I think has it right.

However, what I'm wondering is how it works. You declare triggers after the duel total is finalized but before the resist when casting spells. So theoretically, it happens in this order:

1. initial flip and total

2. cheat if necessary

3. SS if need/want

4. Total numbers/suits

5. Declare triggers

(STOP. Now, Overpower triggers on something entirely different then Surge. Let's just say for the sake of argument that you have a tome somewhere in that total, which would normally trigger Surge. Overpower cannot be declared as the trigger since you don't have the suit requirement AND on the card it says "Overpower is automatically triggered AFTER the defender loses the resist duel." See where I'm going with this?)

6. Defender resist initial flip

7. Defender cheat if want/need

8. Defender SS if possible, want/need

9. Compare totals

Only here is where you find out if the defender "resists" the spell or not, and therefore whether or not Overpower triggers.

So I guess the question is not just "do both triggers count?" but "What happens when you have a trigger like Surge then the defender fails the resist?"

Does Overpower overwrite the Surge?

Or does Surge stay since that's what you declared?

Furthermore, what happens if you trigger Surge but the defender resists? Technically you successfully cast the spell...

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