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How does us Neverborn handle Kirai


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So my friend was telling me how well Kirai was doing at a previous tournament. From the sounds of it, he is going to be playing him quite a bit.

I either use Zorida or Dreamer when playing, but he was talking about the Shikome and how awesome it is. Moving a Madness up and switching it out with a Shikome declaring Prey on a very vulnerable piece. How the wording on Shikome (and looking it up for myself) says that Shadowy Form does not protect the Dreamer from being attacked (Shikome can only attack the Dreamer so there are no other valid targets for it). Being able to bring a Teddy down to it's knees with one flurry of attacks. How even if I can eat through the billions of Shenshin and take her down, there's still the Lost Love to consider.

I am looking for ways to survive her constant attacks, well Shikome mainly since they are just plain awesome.

Some things I've been considering

Coppelius and Alps surrounding Dreamer preventing anything from being able to attack him.

Lilith/Lelu/Lelu and something else to surround the Master. If one takes damage, the other twins will heal it up.

Alps + Insidious Madness with Wp negative bubble up.

Drop both masters and start playing Pandora when I hear the opponent is playing Resurrectionist hah

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Well keep in mind the instant you bury the target of the Shikome's prey it loses single minded. Without single minded the shikome loses a great deal of it's threat. Look at the wording of single minded and then the wording of Buried.

If you are worried about a shikome going after a dreamer keep the dreamer positioned in terrain and screened by models to prevent the shikome from landing within melee range.

Take advantage of your chain activations, if Kirai walks into a vulnerable position drop 2 lelu and a lilitu on him and then Bond activate them all.

Take the fight to her. She is a scalpel, she has a hard time dealing with a massive sledgehammer coming at her.

When you are going after Kirai worry about killing off her Seishin, she is crippled without them.

Make certain you keep spirits away from Kirai so she cannot refresh her Seishin.

These are just a few tips I've noticed. More than anything else keep the pressure on her seishin, she really has trouble working if you wipe them out and deny her more.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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Well keep in mind the instant you bury the target of the Shikome's prey it loses single minded. Without single minded the shikome loses a great deal of it's threat. Look at the wording of single minded and then the wording of Buried.

If you are worried about a shikome going after a dreamer keep the dreamer positioned in terrain and screened by models to prevent the shikome from landing within melee range.

Take advantage of your chain activations, if Kirai walks into a vulnerable position drop 2 lelu and a lilitu on him and then Bond activate them all.

Take the fight to her. She is a scalpel, she has a hard time dealing with a massive sledgehammer coming at her.

When you are going after Kirai worry about killing off her Seishin, she is crippled without them.

Make certain you keep spirits away from Kirai so she cannot refresh her Seishin.

These are just a few tips I've noticed. More than anything else keep the pressure on her seishin, she really has trouble working if you wipe them out and deny her more.

---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------

Well keep in mind the instant you bury the target of the Shikome's prey it loses single minded. Without single minded the shikome loses a great deal of it's threat. Look at the wording of single minded and then the wording of Buried.

If you are worried about a shikome going after a dreamer keep the dreamer positioned in terrain and screened by models to prevent the shikome from landing within melee range.

Take advantage of your chain activations, if Kirai walks into a vulnerable position drop 2 lelu and a lilitu on him and then Bond activate them all.

Take the fight to her. She is a scalpel, she has a hard time dealing with a massive sledgehammer coming at her.

When you are going after Kirai worry about killing off her Seishin, she is crippled without them.

Make certain you keep spirits away from Kirai so she cannot refresh her Seishin.

These are just a few tips I've noticed. More than anything else keep the pressure on her seishin, she really has trouble working if you wipe them out and deny her more.

Thanks. I did bring up the fact that I could just bury the Dreamer and bring out Chompy but I took it as he would still be a Prey when it came back out. I love the fact it will lose it when Dreamer bamfs out.

Also thanks about the notice that Kirai can make a new Shenshin when the madness dies.

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Just keep the pressure on her if you can. Keep an eye out for the Lost love as well. If you get the opportunity to attack and kill it you should do so. Kirai's summoning mechanic requires her t take wounds and I personally feel the lost love was included in the game to give her an escape should she be forced to go to low to do what she needs to. Losing her Get out of Death Free Card will often rattle a Kirai player and will almost certainly drive her to two actions:

She will either rush with everything to defend the Lost Love,

Or she will try to stay away from you for the rest of the game.

Don't get frustrated by the Ikiryo comming back repeatedly. If you can kill it you should, because Kirai needs to spend 4 wds to bring it back. She will also lose 2 cards when it dies, and ou want to avoid Kirai absorbing it, which will get her almost all the wounds that summoned it back, as well as getting two fresh cards. If you kill it however try to do so, again, away from Kirai, as it's death will give another Seishin.

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The only time I've played against her with Dreamer/LCB, I had a hand full of high rams. So I landed Chompy on her, and just Onslaughted her as much as I could. Even with sacrificing Seishin, she still takes 1 Wd, and once they're gone she's taking a lot of wounds. Then if she uses Lost Love, you can get through a Teeth strike, and get the poison on her as well. Poision is a pain for Spirits =p

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She actually cannot chain her seishin by taking a wound unless she has activated the (0) action that lets her Seishin ignore their Fragile Connection Ability. If you hit her before she activates the Seishin are just gone.

Oh really?! I did not realize that was a (0) action; this makes her a lot more balanced than I thought!

Still a pain in the butt of course, but at least now I know one more way to deal with her.

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Hmm, I'm not 100% sure about that. It all depends on the timing of the switch. Because if I declare my trigger before the switch, then I'm declaring the Onslaught on the current target (Kirai), not one in the future (Seishin).

Or so it would seem to me. It's much the same as with Collodi and Marionettes.

Do you know whether this has been brought up in the Rules Section yet? (I hate repeated threads)

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