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Expanding a Gremlin theme?


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So, I'm getting the following in a batch, used:

Jones box (though I'll be replacing Jones w/ his much nicer alt sculpt)

hog whisperer & piglet

6 piglets

gremlinette/2nd hog whisperer

So, after that, I'm not sure

--first, what I need from the above (i.e. are 7 piglets more than I'd ever need?).

--second, what to expand with:

I know I want Zoraida's box b/c I like the swamp theme, and will probably pick up a few related things (stitched, voodoo doll, waldgeist, maybe others), not sure if there's anything she exclusively can take that meshes well with gremlins.

I also would like to run/add Ophelia, but don't know if her boxed set is a good idea.

I like the gremlin taxidermist, so guess I'd like that and a few stuffed pigs.

Not a huge fan of the catapult- is it essential?


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First you'll want four skeeters and a blister of Bayou Gremlins, so you total 8 of them. Just four is too few, as you'll want to summon etc. I'd also recommend a blister of slop haulers, but after that you'll probably be able to get a feeling of where you want to expand. If you're picking up Ophelia you might as well get Rami at the same time, those two are a great team with Ophelias "Ooh! A girl!" to get him out of his cover, fire a focused shot/two regular and then walking back to cover etc.

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Charmant has it right, you'll definately want Skeeters first.

The batch you are purchasing is definately set up for a Pig Heavy list, though lacks the Skeeter Support to Boomerang them back (hench the recommendation for Skeeters). Two skeeters is plenty sufficient for this, though if you want to transition to the Alpha Stank lmid to late game then you will want all four.

McTavish would be a good second purchase (after the 2 Skeeters). And the Gremlin Taxidermist with a blister of Stuffed Piglets would be a good third.

After you have played with the Pigs for a while, adding a blister of Bayou Gremlins and the Lacroixs will allow you to field a gunline (which is another great list).

Slop Haulers, the Pigapult, and the Warpigs are nice to haves but definately not need to haves (I rarely hire them). You can be plenty competitive with a Pig Boomerang, Gremlin Gunline or Alpha Stank without them.

Edited by Omenbringer
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The other Kin models are great with a kin list led by Ophelia, Some'r really doesn't do much for them other than Heal them and their costs really limits the rest of the stuff Some'r likes to hire (You wont be able to field an effective Gunline or Pig list if you hire more than 2 of the kin and Ophelia).

Generally speaking if you hire Ophelia you are running a gunline (which your batch purchase isn't set up for).

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The "Alpha Stank" involves spamming the hell out of the Pull my Finger spell that Some'r has and activatinig the entire group (Companioning Some'r and all the Skeeters together).

Between Some'r and 4 Skeeters they can generate up to 7 castings (that inflict 2 Wds per casting with a :pulse 3 with no resist and that by passess Armor).

You do have to be careful though because the Skeeters will Wound each other when they cast it if they are within the :pulse.

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If you are planning on running Ophelia, you will want to run her boxed set plus some. I generally run Ophelia and crew + gremlin taxidermist, slop hauler and the Young LaCroix. I find this makes a very maneuverable force that can move around the board, contesting objectives and completeing schemes easy enough. Any hey, if you kill something, you can run the taxidermist up, and make some floating pig bombs to drive your opponent nuts, or at least distract them. If something starts to lag behind, have Ophelia use "Ooh a girl" and get them back to being close.

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I wouldn't recommend taking a Gremlin Taxidermist with Ophelia, she does nothing for Pigs and he has a difficult time actually producing Stuffed Piglets in game.

The Young Lacroixs (recommend the max of 3 she can hire) and a Slop Hauler is the standard list. If you want to go larger then Bayou Gremlins are the way to go. Some people will recommend the Pigapult (but it is mainly for launching Ophelia at your opponents Master).

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There is really no reason to have 2 Hog Whisperers, if you are running the Boomerang then he will be plenty protected and far away from potential harm.

This is what I would recommend for your crew composition

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones
7 Pool

2 Giant Mosquitos [4ss]

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Hog Whisperer

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

the 7 SS leaves you plenty to add either another Piglet or Gremlin Taxidermist (for Recycling) or Mctavish. If however you play 30 SS games then you'll still have 2 SS for Some'r to use (he really doesn't need many).

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I am saying that for an average size game you will never really need 2 Hog Whisperers (especially if you have skeeters).

Since you dont have skeeters however, 2 Hog Whisperers will allow you to run a limited Pig Boomerang until you do get them (by limited I mean in reduced threat range). Once you get the Skeeters though, you will more than likely drop the second Hog Whisperer.

Keep in mind I have 2 Hog Whisperers and a Gremlinette also, and against particular crews taking 2 can be a good thing (mainly against those really high mobility crews that can kill one really early in the game).

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Im a pretty avid believer in a pigapault alpha strike kind of deal. Dropping in pere ravage for his big bangs then drop some pigapault attacks on the opponent using stuffed piglets for +1 damage and +1 blast and/or take a ride actions with them bring some bayous to protect and repaire the pigapault. Although not extremly "competative" it completly $$$$$$$$es people off.

This kind of tactic probably wont work for most people but for some stupid reason it does for me...call it dumb luck :)

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its deffinatly not if your going for a boomerang type crew, it can be fun and realy throw your opponent for a loop. but not neccissary all the time. I personally dont think the slop haulers are all that effective, i bought a pack and dont use them very often. Id rather just have a piglet and a soulstone

---------- Post added at 11:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 PM ----------

but i also bring the warpig in a lot of games bigger than 25ss

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