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Five Factions, Five Demo Crews

El Indio

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Update time!

I spent the past week polishing off the Lacroix crew. This was my first go at using water effects, and after a bit of trial and error, I think they turned out all right. I did over-spray the models a bit, though -- but, seeing as how these are demo armies, I'd rather they be excessively protected than chipped and mangled by new players.



First off: Ophelia. I decided not to do a slavish copy of my Ortega scheme, as I imagine the gremlins sort of throwing together their ensembles (although, true to their hillbilly roots, I put a fair amount of denim in the crew). I still don't know why she has one gun with the Paired trait. Makes no sense to me.



Francois was a special challenge. I really love the pose, and I decided to go for as exact a copy of Clint Eastwood's Man With No Name as I could manage:


My freehand skills are rudimentary at best, so i settled for a white line along the bottom of the poncho and some patterning on the collar. The other colors I matched as best I could. I even gave him an ash-ended cigar. I gave him black gloves because, well, too much brown doesn't lead to much contrast. Very fun guy to work on.



Raphael. Not much to say on this guy, except that I spent more time on those hillbilly teeth than was rational.


Rami was a much more entertaining model to paint than poor Nino was for the Ortegas. His gun was a hoot and a half.


Viva, viva, Pork Vegaaaas! I did my best to model Pere after Old Elvis:


So it was white, red, and gold all the way. I've been practicing on my fire painting with a number of recent painting contest entries, and I think Pere's burn'n stick is an improvement.

And, finally, a group shot:


Only one demo crew, the Cult of December, left to go, and I'll be done with this project and ready to start showing people how to play. The models are waiting for me at the store, but I can't pick them up until tomorrow (they're my entries for the May painting competition). Alt Rasputina, here I come!

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Both your Ortegas and LaCroix look great. I couldn't agree with you more on the terribleness of Nino... I'm not honestly a huge fan of any of the sculpts and fall into the rare camp that you do and like Alt. Perdita better.

The water effects on the bases also look great, just enough to add character. Well done.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, the project is finally done. Presenting, the Cult of December!


(Ice bases courtesy of Twilight Emporium)



I based Raspy's color scheme off the Legend of Korra's Water Tribe colors. I wish I could have given her a Water Tribe skin tone, too, but my experiments proved too close to the leather color; the distinction was lost at tabletop distance. I didn't realize just how tall this model is; she actually wound up as a good centerpiece for the crew.


Silent One. Not sure what's with the unibrow look; I'll have to double-check the eyebrow work and maybe do some touch-up.


And, the Gamin. Primed white, given a blue wash, then drubrushed up with some cool near-whites. Worked pretty well, given how disinterested I was in the models. I gave them red eyes as a nod to the ice giants in Thor.

And so, the project is complete. I have a few more items I want to take care of for demos, and I'll be posting them, soon.

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Now that the demo crews are all done, I decided to make a few play aids to help new players. I like Ratty's quick reference card, but Malifaux has a lot of special rules and standard actions, so I designed these to put on the back of Ratty's card. Most of the commonly used actions are on them, and each has all the special rules and traits that are relevant to its corresponding crew. I want Malifaux to be as painless an experience as possible.






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Great looking gangs. It is great that you will have this nice little selection of gangs for demo games. Lots of variety and character. Definitely a gang for everyone's different tastes. Those faction rule cards you made up are really handy. Great idea and great paint jobs.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, all! I will be revisiting this thread with new models once I get my Ten Thunders starter box. I've already got plans for basing and color schemes on those guys.

To anyone who interested in these reference sheets for their own demo crews, I'm willing to make them for you; I still have my source files. In the meantime, I whipped up some cheat sheets for my other crews, for my own personal use. The Showgirls one is darn near unreadable when printed. ;)



EDIT: Whoops! I just noticed that the Soulstone section on the Ortegas says "Rasputina" instead of "Perdita." Oh, well. If I use this for second-run demos, players will know what's what.


Edited by El Indio
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A few more demo crew cheat sheets, requested by a forum member. Noticed too late that one of them has a minor typo (Rasputina strikes again!), but it's been a long, long week, and I am very tired. So here they are: Pandora and Kirai! Looks like Book 2 Masters come close to breaking the word limit for these templates (big surprise there).



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A few more demo crew cheat sheets, requested by a forum member. Noticed too late that one of them has a minor typo (Rasputina strikes again!), but it's been a long, long week, and I am very tired. So here they are: Pandora and Kirai! Looks like Book 2 Masters come close to breaking the word limit for these templates (big surprise there).



Thanks for these! You are most awesome!

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