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Speedpainted Kirai and friends.

Saint Norton

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So I recently joined a painting escalation league at the FLGS and decided to start up a new crew to go along with it. Enter Kirai.

Here's where the crew started after 1 evening of painting. To get to this level the whole crew was primered white and then each type of spirit was given a different color ink wash and then drybrushed white. Skin was given a quick blue color coat. The bases were given a quick brown and tan base coat and then inked devlan mud. Very basic. Approx 3 hours total painting.


Here's the crew after 2 nights worth of painting.

Some secondary accent colors added to all of the models, faces touched up with straight white (instead of drybrush) and re-blacked the bases. Approx 5 hours total painting time.


Group shot of the completed crew this far.


Jack Daw! Amazingly thematic model. Tons of interactive rules. The epitome of what it means to be Malifaux...


Seishin, my little sacrificial buddies.


Onryo and Poor dead Francis... Bad image quality hides the details of the Onryo face unfortunately.

Another couple evenings of painting and I'll be happy with the crew. Got more Seishin / Gaki / Onryo on the way to come. Comments and criticism are welcome! Plz?!

Edited by Saint Norton
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The Blue color is Hawk Turquoise, which SaintNorton is addicted to. It shows up on pretty much all of his models in recent years. And this is why so many of our local painters are pleasantly frustrated. I saw the crew on Monday, and then again on Tuesday. Much grumbling ensued after seeing the difference one night made. >:o*wink*

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Yeah, nice job, whatever. It isn't like you painted them in one day, it actually took you two, or three if you count doing the bases. Hehe! Seriously Saint Norton is a good guy and he traded me his old Ramos crew in exchange for a new Kirai crew that as of this past saturday was sitting nicely on a shelf and pegs in the store. I do agree that one of the best parts about this game is the relatively short time needed to assemble and paint a new crew that looks amazing on the table. Oh yeah, nice lint brush.

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So I received my ebay shipment from last week and picked up a couple more items from our FLGS... and decided I would put together more of a time-lapse of the speed painting method i've used. Not including the time spent gluing models together or time for the primer to dry, etc. this batch of models were painted while watching 4 episodes of Top Gear while on the couch tonight, so about 3.5 hours.

Let me know thoughts and comments! If anyone has any tips for playing kirai or has any additional models they think i should paint up for the crew let me know as well. I'll try to put a group shot together at some point as well.

Lastly, I'm trying to trade away a MissPack if anyone is interested! Please drop me a PM if you want it!


At this point I have simply washed all of the models with GW inks after primering them white.


After allowing the washes to dry under the lamp for a few mins all of them have been given a thorough drybrushing with white.


The blue skin (hawk turquoise), hair, and bases have been given their basic colors.


The skin, hair, and bases have all been washed in either devlan mud (for earth tones) or badab black (for skin / hair) and allowed to dry a bit.


First quick layers of highlights on skin and hair.


After a couple more highlights. Really sharp contrast is used and then faded down using inks / washes to give the appearance of skill :)


Some pics of the finished additions.




---------- Post added 03-19-2012 at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-18-2012 at 11:23 PM ----------

So as promised here is the crew this far.

At this point I have painted:



Datsu Ba

Lost Love

Jack Daw

2x shikome

4x Gaki

4x night terror

5x seishin

4x onryo



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