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I find the wings was modeled with more then enough surface space to give you a very strong bond. Not saying Im sure if one was knocked from a gaming table I wouldnt get some snap offs.

That being said, dont be scared to dabble in pining. I used to be, but have started doing so on some small pieces and will say my worries unjustified. really is easier then would think.

Most importantly.. welcome to Malifaux!

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I've pinned every Malifaux model I've built that has more than 1 part to it, I've even taken to pinning warjacks as well. Mind you this is something I never really did much, mostly playing 40K it was never really neccessary for the armies & models I played.

But I highly recommend it, in fact, once you get good enough at it, you can do it w/ a screw gun like I do lol.

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here is my finish Lilith sexy


This is the my favorite model below


Terror Tots ready to hunt


All and all this is my first crew I built, painted and based and must say i think i did a damn good job. Much thanx to those who helped me in the post with good advice on this forum. I look forward to future projects and gaming with friends keep building my crew.


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Great work so far, but I recommend getting your hands on a camera with the macro feature, you'll take better pictures of your miniatures that way :)

As for pinning, I pin everything, including some things people insist are impossible to pin (like the foot of the standing Coryphee, lol) as it increases stability. However, in some cases you won't need to pin as they gain support elsewhere (like in the case of Angelica who's arms gain further support from her cane resting on the base).

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Welcome to Malifaux!

If you're not confident with pinning, you can try green stuff or milliput. holds really well and acts like mortar for cement.

Btw, I love your Lilith starter box.


---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

Thanks for the input and advice! I started to play with my stater with my friend and it was great I lost tho but it was fun as hell. I'm planning to expand my crew later blow. Now my next project will be the Molly starter set just gotten yesterday. I gotten her (Molly) and the crooligains primed so they are ready to be painted. I post some pics of them soon.

Here is the list expanding my Lilith crew and give my your thoughts



1-Primordial Magic

2-young Nephilim

3-terror tot Nephilim


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well working on my Molly starter and almost done! printing the undead was little tough for me and don't think it come well as i have envision but live and learn. Trying to figure what type of bases should make from my remaining clay wood or cobble stone streets.

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Excellent work,I too am working on the Molly set (the horrors). My big question is did you pin the beast? I had a field day cleaning out the necks, ended up going the green stuff super glue drill and pin method.

I pined the heads first. Then i flatten the top necks with a small file and angled pinned head to guess where i wanted to drill my hole on the necks so I can pin the heads. When I'm satisfied with fit i glue them. So you might want to take you time on the beastie.

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