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Seamus Vs. Justice


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Hey guys, played my first game today. I'm not sure I had all the rules right and I lost miserably.

My List:


Madame Sybelle

Rotten Belle x3

His List:



Death Marshalls x3

Turn 1:

I won the initiative flip and moved Seamus forward with all three actions. I was a bit too far away to do any damage so i ended close enough to shoot the belles forward.

He moved his units around the terrain to keep them out of los and towards the objectives.

Turn 2

I failed all of my lure spells but managed to do a nice bit of damage with the flintlock against the Judge.

He struck back and managed to nearly take out seamus

Turn 3:

I shot one of my belles with Live for Pain, to bring him back up and we both moved closer to objects

Unfotunatly Lady justice was right next to me. She used all her ap to kill seamus even with hard to kill (we both totally missed the bit about hard to wound)

Turn 4: mostly defeated I made a last ditch run for the objectives and he continued to slaughter my belles. I gave up at this point in favor of more painting.

It was a lot of fun though. I've never played a game like this before and definatly plan to play more games. After reading up on the rules again of course

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Don't sweat it. Malifaux is complex and it will take time to remember all of the options and triggers your models have, much less standard actions beyond walk, move, attack, and cast.

Seamus is squishy. Hard to Wound 2 will help some, but he needs to stay away from Lady Justice, and the Judge unless Seamus is backed up by another model.

Use his gun if you're within range and don't need to use all three actions to move. Seamus is a serial killer and should be played as one- the idea is to pick a target, isolate it, and butcher it. Undead Psychosis is great for forcing models close to yours to waste actions on movement.

I'll admit I have yet to make this stuff work personally, but I am still new to the guy myself.

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Brettqpublic: Near Troy. Theres only one store near my area that seems to play games like this (Mostly Warmahordes) and thats Guild of blades.

I just got done with another game, this time with a third player. Rasputina and her box.

I won because the justice player had to take off turn end of turn4. seems like I cant play through turn five. Anyway I took everyone's advice and read up the tactica again and played around with her gamins. I killed all but one. I assumed they dropped corpses because I didn't see anything that said they didn't. So

I turned those into belles (let me know if this is wrong) and juggled his golem. The lady j player spent the whole time moving into battle. All in all a lot of fun again. I'm a little confused with the rules but its been a lot of fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just did a demo for a new player on Sunday with this setup. The combo that he liked was Luring a target in. Another Belle would undress for the -2 Def and then Seamus would walk up for the Focused .50 cal shot. Lather, rinse...

This bit is fun, but gets old fast. He does need to isolate his targets, which does take time getting used to, but once learned becomes rewarding to play IMO.

Don't forget about his Trigger Excessive Bleeding on his Bag of Tools. It can always be used and will make models Insignificant, which can aid in denying your opponent VP's in most Strategies and Schemes.

Oh and welcome to Malifaux!!!

Edited by Cornelious1424
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I assumed they dropped corpses because I didn't see anything that said they didn't. So

I turned those into belles (let me know if this is wrong) and juggled his golem.

Gamin are constructs so that drop scrap counters. Just a quick pointer.

Welcome to Malifaux, it's great to hear you are having fun.

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