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Comment on new miniatures


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Just a quick observation, but it seems like the sculpts are a lot more cartoony or cell shady that what the original sculpts were. I mean they look great but I rather enjoyed the darker brooding looking models to the models that have been coming out recently. Maybe its the way they are being painted? Does anyone else feel the same way? Or am I just way off?

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I think it is the paint job mostly. There were some pretty cartoony sculpts from the beginning, but generally there has always been the "hot chicks/badass monster with a big sword" and the more subtle ones. I mean look at Tuco, he's more brooding than the original Nephilim and Ortegas like Papa Loco but the Gupps are more cute and cartoony than the original Silurids. But lately the paint jobs have perhaps made some think that the balance is leaning one way when the sculpts are all still great.

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Well, when I made this comment I think I was talking more on the sculpts of the Masters. I like the original sculpts for Victorias, Perdita, lilith, and lady J. I am coming up with a mod avator of slaughter using the original sculpts... I guess I just dont like the feel of the new paint jobs mostly..

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In that case I find alt. Nicodem much less cartoonie than his original though some would disagree, plus the original Viktorias were hardly realistic. So many of the alts. have made me want to pick up new crews because they look sharper and have better poses (excluding the new Viktorias). As for paint jobs it really doesn't matter in the end, paint it it how you want to, if the sculpt is good it'll be worth it.

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I agree with Panda. When the Hooded Rider came out, a lot of people thought his sculpt was terriblly off scale and looked all mangled and twisted. no one liked it, it seemed. The guardian was the same way, he looked funny, and was crooked on his base, and there was some hate there for him.

I think the high level of detail and bright colored paint jobs + studio photography is making the pieces look a lot different than they are once you get them in your hand. I have both of the pieces i mentioned above and love them dearly.

I think the plethora of make-up on the new Viks, and the eye shadow and blue jacket on the new Lillith distract from the evil badass chicks we have come to expect from both (all three) of them.

i also think they are lightening up some things while adding in the brooding elsewhere. the gupps vs silurids got lighter, while the new flesh construct doesn't look like a zombie homer simpson anymore. ;)

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Just a quick observation, but it seems like the sculpts are a lot more cartoony or cell shady that what the original sculpts were. I mean they look great but I rather enjoyed the darker brooding looking models to the models that have been coming out recently. Maybe its the way they are being painted? Does anyone else feel the same way? Or am I just way off?

In before someone ties this comment to the Legend of Zelda *wink*

I think the plethora of make-up on the new Viks, and the eye shadow and blue jacket on the new Lillith distract from the evil badass chicks we have come to expect from both (all three) of them.

i also think they are lightening up some things while adding in the brooding elsewhere. the gupps vs silurids got lighter, while the new flesh construct doesn't look like a zombie homer simpson anymore. ;)

I agree- sometimes a detailed paint job can actually distract from the sculpt rather than enhance it.

I know I borrowed the idea from somewhere, but I planned to paint the original Flesh Construct like Muumuu Homer, maybe even model a shower cap on his head. Not sure if I want more than one, and I prefer the newer one.

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In before someone ties this comment to the Legend of Zelda *wink*

I agree- sometimes a detailed paint job can actually distract from the sculpt rather than enhance it.

I know I borrowed the idea from somewhere, but I planned to paint the original Flesh Construct like Muumuu Homer, maybe even model a shower cap on his head. Not sure if I want more than one, and I prefer the newer one.

I love the newer one. but then again... in the last month i have found myself coming back to the ressers... not sure what caused it,, but i want to start up McMourning... i've heard rumors that his avatar is on it's way in May.

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hehe, two pandas viewing this thread..

Ahem, but yeah I don't think it's likely Rezzers getting anything in May considering Avatar McMourning is all they have left, while others are more behind.

And I think Wyrd are getting better overall, not just their sculpts. Still, I'll continue to munch on bamboo* until the next wave of Puppet Wars =]

*Care to join me pandasauce?

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Could you explain how you felt that the original Viktorias were not realistic, and how the new sculpts are better. Im trying to see your point of view so that I can get this feeling off my shoulder of how I dont like the new sculpts as much.

---------- Post added at 08:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 AM ----------

I agree with Panda. When the Hooded Rider came out, a lot of people thought his sculpt was terriblly off scale and looked all mangled and twisted. no one liked it, it seemed. The guardian was the same way, he looked funny, and was crooked on his base, and there was some hate there for him.

I think the high level of detail and bright colored paint jobs + studio photography is making the pieces look a lot different than they are once you get them in your hand. I have both of the pieces i mentioned above and love them dearly.

I think the plethora of make-up on the new Viks, and the eye shadow and blue jacket on the new Lillith distract from the evil badass chicks we have come to expect from both (all three) of them.

i also think they are lightening up some things while adding in the brooding elsewhere. the gupps vs silurids got lighter, while the new flesh construct doesn't look like a zombie homer simpson anymore. ;)

I agree whole heartedly with your assesment Jewomie

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Could you explain how you felt that the original Viktorias were not realistic, and how the new sculpts are better. Im trying to see your point of view so that I can get this feeling off my shoulder of how I dont like the new sculpts as much.

Was that aimed at me? Well the original sword Viki was hardly tame, a scantily clad warrior with big hair and purely aesthetic armour. The other one was more grounded I suppose but I never liked the chalky paint job, and the sculpt looked less crisp. I am not a big fan of the new ones, though they seem sharper and have more detail despite the cartoonie paintjob, but I probably prefer the originals. But then I don't collect the Viks and at least you like the originals, it's not like you need to buy the new ones though trying to see them in the flesh might not be a bad idea.

I find the other alt. masters have been brilliant and with the exception of Perdita (I love both), have made me want to pick up crews I held off getting because I didn't like the originals (Marcus, Nicodem, Som'er, 'Tina, Sonnia). Some I'm dissappointed in (Seamus), but I like the originals and some I don't like either (Pandora, Ramos) so won't be picking them up at all, but then my backlist is long enough as it is =]

If you're not sure about something, first think if you actually need it, then try seeing it in the flesh and decide whether it's worth getting or not.

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Was that aimed at me? .

Yeah that was directed at you. lol sorry for not making it clear. I appreciate you taking the time to seriously respond. But your right I dont need to buy the new sculpts and at this point I am not. I was just commenting on how disappointed I am in the direction of which the sculpts seem to be going. I dont know. The old sculpts especially, using the old perdita as an example, seemed smoother or better looking. The new sculpt I just think the face is less graceful. Like what the miniatures from privateer press look like. Just brutish faces. The only way to tell the difference of male and female being that they have long hear and a bust.

I play warmachine and warhammer as well and dont mind the sculpt faces looking horrible cause its part of a larger group. But with malifaux I spend more time and care with the sculpts so I notice a lot more of the subtleties in the sculpts. And I guess they just seem uglier when they should be good looking, and cartoony when they should be uglier. lol I hope my soap boxing hasnt put anyone to sleep......

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I used to play GW systems and was in the camp of people who hated "big hand syndrome", while the main thing stopping me from picking up Warmachine is the hideous and cartoonie armour, and lack of quality infantry models (I would likely play a strong 'Jack or Beast army in any case). I love Infinity models (the less uber-anime ones at least) and really want to pick some up.

But for Wyrd, I think the scuplt quality has been getting better, but the ratio between realistic and cartoonie has been consistent, only off shot by the slight increase in cartoonie paintjobs. I mean look at the original Seamus, Flesh Construct, Lilith, Mature Nephilim, etc. and compare them to the Pistoleros, Molly, Lawyer, Silent One and Tuco. As for Perdita I own and love her original, but the new one accomplishes what it should (something alternative), and while I initially thought she looked stumpy I now love how badass she looks compared to the somewhat overly sexualised original (someone compared her to a dance girl in Coyote Ugly). So I wouldn't get too worried for the future of Malifaux, you can criticise the models freely (unless Wyrd become a dictatorship), but Wyrd will continue to make quality miniatures at a consistentcy that will create just as many fans as critcs.

Hope that didn't come accross as defencive, but I hate to see storm clouds fall on someone's hope for fun, especially when the sun is just around the next cloud =]

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The old sculpts especially, using the old perdita as an example, seemed smoother or better looking. The new sculpt I just think the face is less graceful.

Now, i haven't seen the alt in person, so i cannot comment on the new one. But, my perdita's face seems a little on the bland side. Not to be overly critical as her hat hangs so low on her face that it's hard to tell anyway. I am a fan of the original, so don't take that comment the wrong way. Though, based on the photo's i've seen, i don't dislike the alt for her. I'm not a fan of the cigar, but the silly, almost care free, pose is pretty cool. I always thought of her as the badass chick who says a catchy phrase right before shooting a bullet around a building or something, so the pose kind of fits my idea of her.

as for the Viks, for now, i like the new ones a lot more. My girlfriend loves them. So i'll be able to see them in person, and see what they look like in a more... homestyle... paint job. I know how i paint things, and i know what i like, and they are not painted the way i paint, so it's hard (for me) to form a good opinion of them. i almost always have to hold the piece in my hands before i can tell if i actually like it... even better if i get it primed and the smaller details really pop. =] I do like the idea of the mirrored poses. it feels more like the lore with the doppleganger, and less like a couple twins.

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