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Hamelin the Plagued's Irresistible Lure



"Ht1 and Insig ennemy models move their Wk towards this model"

1. I had a game yesterday in which we assumed the defender controlled the move. Since moving "towards" is generally considered to mean that the model cannot end its move farther away from the caster than it originally was, it seems to me that this only makes the opponent re-organise his model placement. So the question is, is this move controlled by the Hamelin player or by his opponent? If it is controlled by the opponent, shouldn't it state that they move directly towards him?

2. When affecting multiple units, who decides the order in which the models resist it? My insticts tell me the defender does, but I'm checking just in case.

3. The way the ability is worded makes it seem like the model had to move its entire Wk. If something, be it terrain or other models, prevents it from ending its move closer to Hamelin that it started, how does this work? Should they not move up to their Wk instead?

Thank you for your time.

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1.: Give that it doesn't say: Push/move target model x/its x toward, but rather that the model itself moves its walk

2.: Page 6 and referenced page 31; Simultanious effects:

players with simultaneous effects resolve the effects in the order of their choosing, though all are considered to happen at the same time (an aoe next to nix, if it fails to kill him and hits multiple other targets, will heal him for everyone that fails in his radius)

3.: according to my Twisting Fates copy of Hamelin: the models move their Wk; however they have to end up closer; so if walking their entire walk would mean they have to end up further away (whilst moving around obstacles) they instead walk into the closest position which blocks them. Page 35. It would seem your opponent played this wrong

Edited by Spiku
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1. I had a game yesterday in which we assumed the defender controlled the move. Since moving "towards" is generally considered to mean that the model cannot end its move farther away from the caster than it originally was, it seems to me that this only makes the opponent re-organise his model placement. So the question is, is this move controlled by the Hamelin player or by his opponent? If it is controlled by the opponent, shouldn't it state that they move directly towards him?

This is common misconception about towards it isn't just about ending closer than you started. The only difference between towards and directly towards is being able to move around certain terrain types, it still has to be the shortest distance towards the model and get as close to it as possible in the move. So the shortest route towards a model will always be straight at it, it's just you can go around terrain.

2. When affecting multiple units, who decides the order in which the models resist it? My insticts tell me the defender does, but I'm checking just in case.


3. The way the ability is worded makes it seem like the model had to move its entire Wk. If something, be it terrain or other models, prevents it from ending its move closer to Hamelin that it started, how does this work? Should they not move up to their Wk instead?

They move their whole walk to get as close as possible but they can avoid terrain and impassible items. They can end further away than would be possible if they're doing so to move the shortest route around terrain, but never end further away than they started.

Imagine -

|xxxxx Model xxxxx|

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| >>> (ignore the xxxx as that's just for spacing)





You could go back and around which would end up with you actually further away from Hamelin than if you'd moved forward, rather than going straight forward and stopping short as you're avoiding the terrain. However, you're opponent doesn't have to and could walk into the "box" of terrain (as it's may) even though they haven't used their full walk.

Edited by magicpockets
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Oh and (2) Deliver a message is targeted (that is to say I've been told it has been ruled that it targets now, rather than being an ambiguous action); so only Som'er, A.Som'er and McTavish were able to do it. Which means McTavish could have been doing something useful that game other than distracting half a dozen rats who couldn't hit him with +flips

Edited by Spiku
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