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Not quite April fools day Sunday 29th April

Iron Skies

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Hi guys,

Thanks to the success of the Ice Breaker at the RAFA in Harrogate we will be hosting another tournament on the 29th of April (It's a Sunday)

Again the venue will be capped at 20 people.

Format will be the same as the last one (35 ss fixed faction ranked) following gaining grounds

Entry fee and prizes looking to be the same as well.


Same venue and set-up at the ice-breaker so going to put James' rulespack up as a filler for now. Yes there are some typos

More will be posted later in the week! Watch this space and pm if interested

Cheers - Adam

Entrants list:

1. Boyzie - Adam B

2. Scurry - Steve S

3. ukrocky - Craig 'Insert name you know him by here' J

4. AdrianMills - Adrian M

5. Joel - Don't know your name yet

6. Rhinobuster - Paul Hansel

7. Stryder - Ant Hoult

(Please note that random Pavarotti disease has been on the increase in the area)

Edited by Iron Skies
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