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Conversions, alterations, etc


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This is a question that I've found to become more and more strange over the years....

What are you doing with the minis? Are you using them at home or at a tournament?

At home, use whatever you like, the thought police haven't gotten around to doing random inspections yet :)

At an event, depends on the organiser. By the book (or in this case the Gaining Grounds pdf) you can use a mini that's majority Wyrd (so headswaps and new sculpts are okay). However some TOs are willing to allow proxies for items that haven't been released yet, or are "bulk" minis that you have a really sweet conversion or proxy for (for example, Mindless Zombies from Wargames Factory zombies, or the McVey Ruby in place of Avatar Perdita).

At the end of the day though, your money, your hobby, your call. If you want to use Guardsmen as Zombies we aren't gonna stop ya.


Borzag (pimps his Mindless Zombies with Hats & Guns)

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Officially, Proxies are not allowed for ay reason. Conversions are allowed as long as the model accurately reflects the model it is supposed to be, I.E. a Male zombie missing a leg and reaching out to devour you couldn't be used as Molly Squidpidge.

Again officially the model needs to be made with a certain percentage of Wyrd's products. I think the number was like 60%. So, continuing the Molly example, you could buy a hollow waif, saw off her arms, replace them with some other company's cradling a severed head from a third company, and it would be fine.

Unofficially, I'm sure as long as it's clear what you are using your local play group won't object. I'm looking into getting some GW zombie bits to make a hoard of mindless zombies for Nicodem. Firstly because I like the look better than Wyrd's mindless zombies, and secondly I want to model them as bursting out of the ground, which would require more work from Wyrd's sculpts because they are too static in position, and being made of metal, would be harder to convert than GW plastic.

The downside to this is that in official Wyrd run tourneys I'm not going to be able to use my mindless zombies as they will most likely contain 0% of Wyrd product,... well, aside from the base itself. *wink*

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