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Quick Seamus


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Nice color combination for Seamus, especially the Browns. The only critic would be on the whites which look a bit blah (also the reds and the wooden stock on the pistol look like they could use a bit more work though this could be the light setup).

Brushthralls used to have a really great toot on painting whites in the Protectorate in 10 days article.

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Nice color combination for Seamus, especially the Browns. The only critic would be on the whites which look a bit blah (also the reds and the wooden stock on the pistol look like they could use a bit more work though this could be the light setup).

Brushthralls used to have a really great toot on painting whites in the Protectorate in 10 days article.

Thanks for the input, still a newer painter so all help is greatly appreciated. I did blood red highlights on the coats hard edges and rumpled material, maybe ill go over them again to really bring them out, and I hadn't touched up the gun yet as well as the white. I really hate working with white but it is a skill I will have to improve to become a competent painter. Any tips on working with whites would be great, it is really my weak point, along with models with a lot of exposed skin/muscles.

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If you cant find the toot on Braushthralls for the white I can give you the steps. As for skin tones I have a system that works pretty well for me (not Golden Demon quality but better than table top for sure).

Your hate for White is similar to my hate for Black (a color I still consider myself less than skilled with).

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