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Page 55, Rules Manual. Second section, under summoned models.

There's a whole section dedicated to a rule that at this point in time, only one model makes any use of.

This is not good enough. Myranda is cool and all, but having only one model that makes use of such an awesome rule is disgraceful. Disgraceful I tell you!!!

So in order to recitify this unforgivable oversight, I have deemed it necessary to create a threat, smack bang in the middle of the forum, where people can display and discuss their ideas for new models that take advantage of the transform mechanic. I hope, nay, EXPECT that the folks at Wyrd will take heed of these ideas and rectify the terrible mistake they've made!

So here's a few that I've been thinking;

Totem Warriors. Inspired by the American Indian thread. Individuals who have mastered the ability to transform into a wolf or cougar or whatever totem animal they hae chosen. Give the human form bows and ranged expert or something, and you've got a minion that can fulfil the role of melee beatsick and ranged threat, depending on the form they take.

Resurrectionist Skinwalkers. A creepy ghoul or spirit-type creature. Has the ability to transform into any minion they kill. Obviously limits on this (eg. 30mm, living or undead, non-unique?) would be wise. ;)

Super-Doppelganger. Like the regular version, but copies an entire model for a turn. Could have limits on this, like a high cast, non-masters, or it takes wounds each time.

Gremlin Werepigs. Bitten by a rabid pig, these gremlins look and smell delicous. They also transform into squealing pigs when scared or nervous, which is pretty much all the time.


These ideas are all clearly awesome, just as they should be. After all, anything that uses the transform mechanic is almost guaranteed to be amazing. But it's not enough. We need more ideas. More comments. More support. More yelling at Wyrd for letting such a stupendous mechanic languish in the back of the Magic Section!

So come on! Let me see some replies!!! :smug_puppet1:

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I completely agree. "Super-Dopps" and "Skinwalkers" are both awesome ideas! The others... not so much :)

One thing I would love to see is the ability for Totems to be able to transform into... something?

They are basically a manifestation of the masters will, right? Maybe they could transform into something cool? I would suggest that this would be limited... say only for a turn before the Totem gets sacrificed? It could lead to a good interaction with manifesting an Avatar... you would want your Totem to 'mainfest' before your master does...

Cool thread either way :)

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I completely agree. "Super-Dopps" and "Skinwalkers" are both awesome ideas! The others... not so much


Oddly, I'm more keen on the idea of the other two. :D

One thing I would love to see is the ability for Totems to be able to transform into... something?

A transforming totem would be cool, but it'd still die when the master manifests because the totem remains the same model when it transforms. Interesting idea though...

How about an arcanist minion which can change into any beast in the game and can reliably cast a healing spell?

Not a chance - that'd just be broken. ;)

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How about cars and other vehicles that transforms into giant humanoid robo... nevermind. x)

I'm keen on the idea of totemic warriors who manifest their "aspect" form. Because naturally, it gives a lot of opportunity for conversion. You know, even if the original model uses say bear for its aspect animal, you can still model it like it turns into a Swamp Mother instead (and have Swamp Mother headdress when in human form).

I'll post my contribution later. (I'm sure I had a great idea on this topic somewhere at the back of my mind and I'll just have to... unravel it.)

p.s. @Rathnard - all your ideas are neat. Those are all-rounded suggestions that fit well into the Malifaux theme imho.

Edited by VaeVictus
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