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Is it possible for a tie?

Doctor Lucky

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I have thought about using this tactic on several occasions, but the group I play with tends to feel that as soon as a Master dies, that player loses. Thus, since Master B dies slightly after Master A, in fact, Master B is killed as little bits of stuffing and burning pieces of Master A's IOSP go spewing through the air, Master B in my opinion is the winner, although for a very short time. At first (s)he is not aware that the shrapnel has ripped that last stitch attaching their head to their body as they do their dance of victory...but sometimes that is just how the puppet unravels.

As others have said though, in this instance of insanity and sheer excitement from all out destruction, everyone really wins.

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In general its up to you how to want to decide this.

But if you REEEAAAALLLLYYYY want some input on this... there are a number of ways you could easily go. Since the other win condition is Work Bench control, you could base it on who had the most Work Benchs at the end of the game. Or if that is tied.... well then it's just difficult haha. I'd be inclined to say the person who was activating (ie the person with the Joss Upgrade) would win because it was through their action that the game ended like it did so I'd give them the win.

But I would say... its then down to # WB's each player control and after that, whatever you want to make of it! For Gen Con events we vary a little bit, but it usually went like that. But there is nothing wrong with there being a tie in the end :)

Edited by karn987
*Om nom nom*
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I would go with work benches as the tie breaker. Otherwise I could consider it a tie. There were times at Gencon last year that I ended up in tied multi-player game where there was no clear winner. I don't think there is anything wrong with a tie.

I was playing a Malifaux game at Gencon (master kills master) and after losing Perdita, I stopped my opponent from killing Papa Loco as the explosion would have killed Lilith and I felt that would have been a hollow victory for me. I missed killing Papa Loco later in the turn and that was the game.

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