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TeeCee's Plog: 2 Many Minis... 2 Little Time


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Hi everyone! I’m TeeCee and I havebeen a sporadic painter for I guess 2-3yrs. I mean really, REALLY sporadic. Maybeone or two models a year. Well now, after taking a few classes at GenCon andwatching a few painting videos, and having TONS of really cool models to paint, I figured that I should start painting a bit more than before. I’ll try for atleast 3 a year...

Just kidding. :-P

So here I have my painting station that I share with my hubby. It’s a mess; it’s a work in progress. We’re still unpacking and trying to find places for everything. It’s taking longer than we thought.


Models I’ve painted so far: one Sorrow for my Pandora crew and one Canine Remains for my husband’s demo crew. The Sorrow needs some touching up due to transportation damage and the Remains needs its base finished.


I’m currently working on McMourning for the demo crew; it’s a WiP. The husband (Durek) painted the base colours, since it’s for his crew, and I’m doing the rest. I’m really proud ofthe apron; took me a heck of a long time. I really wanted to try blending on the cloth. I had more contrast on the clothes but the hubby didn’t like it, so I toned it down. I’m really nervous about doing the face and the hair. I always have a hard time with those. I’ll post more as I progress with him.


After McMourning, I am to paint either another Canine Remains, or Sebatian, or a Nurse. Then I want to finish my Pandora crew. I also have, oh gee… here we go… um… Sonnia, Kaeris, Collette, and The Dreamer crews to do. Heck… even just put some together! Like the name says… Too many minis… Too little time :Hiding_Puppet:



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  • 2 weeks later...

@ Daemonkin: Thank you, I’m sure when you get to painting it will be a masterpiece.*wink*

Here is my finished Canine Remains; it’s still a little shiny, will have to give it another dusting of the matt varnish at a later time.

I tried for a diseased look, and I’m quite happy with how it turned out. If anyone has any questions on colours used, comments, advice or some such please don’t hesitate to post.

Still working on Mc Mourning; Sebastien and a Nurse are next.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody!

Ok… so I’ve worked on a few models since the last post.

McMourning is done and so is Rasputina. I had a heck of a time with Raspi mainly due to the colours and paints. I gotta get used to them.

I also discovered that I suck at faces, so I’ll have to work on that. And no, I did not ink them or wash them as my husband thinks I did. The only wash that I did use was on McMourning’s face cuz, as stated before; I found out that I kinda need more practice, which hopefully Sebatian will give me. The shine on McMourning face is due to the flash on my husband's camera, he says he couldn't get the lighting right... lol

So I’m doing Seb next. And after will be a nurse and then I can start on my Pandora crew. :-P

As usual any comments and/or critique is welcome.





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Great shading on the clothing on both, especially McMourning's apron. I also like the color choices for both - nice to see a McMourning that isn't so cartoony.

As for the eyes & faces, here's the tutorial that I used to teach me how to do it (you've mentioned before that you like the eyes on my models...)


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Great shading and highlights on both. Really like the eyes and lips on Rasputina!

thanks alot! it was really hard since my hands shake quite a bit. i wanted to do so much more with the face, eyes, and lips but i was getting so shaky and so frustrated and she needed to get done so i just "finished" her. looking at her now, the eyes kinda have that magicky glow to them, eh? :1_Happy_Puppet1:

thanks again

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Hello world!

So I finally finished McMourning’s crew, but I’ll be posting just one model tonight and another one in the very near future. For today, I have Sebastian. Since the last few models I focused on material flow and blending and sucked at faces so I figured what better model to work on faces than Sebastian. I took my time. I actually used some of the techniques from the website Durek and Evaine suggested which helped quite a bit. Although I didn’t like the whole black/white eye thing; it’s not for me. So yeah… tada! He’s done. :1_Exhausted_Puppet:

Any questions, comments, concerns, opinions, suggestions are welcome and I’ll try and answer them as best I can. Thanks!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since I last posted… got a bit busy. Anyhoo… here’s the nurse I worked on. I wanted to focus more on the face again and play a bit with the colour of the syringe. Not as good as I would have liked but not bad. I did purposely make the lines on the syringe kinda off since, well, she doesn’t care if the dose is exact. :-P

So there u have it. All done! Next up: Pandora crew!



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Nice nurse. Group shot time.

Thx, I’m ok with the way she turned out, but apparently I’m a perfectionist (so my husband keeps telling me.

As requested here’s McMourning’s completed crew. I painted all except the Flesh Golem and Zombie Chihuahua which my husband begged to do.


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just wow.

I epecially like Mcmourning.

imho his whole look is great.

also, I never would have thought about him being a ginger although it makes sense cuz gingers dont have a soul... ^^ (joke, sry if i offended someone out there)

Im also digging the colors of the clothing on the zombie in the middle.

Great work!

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Nicely done; I really dig the surgical scrubs on the golem; I may have to steal that color scheme for when I get around to Malifaux's mad scientist. The Canine Remains looks oddly adorable, too.

One thing I noticed was that the red on Sebastian's chainsaw looks a little thick. In my experience, red acrylics tend to run to the gloopy-gloppy side, and their coverage is always awful. I have found that P3's Red Ink is a wonderful thinning agent to help smooth out my reds. As a pigment-rich liquid, it takes away the paint's blobbiness without diluting the color.

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just wow.

I epecially like Mcmourning.

imho his whole look is great.

also, I never would have thought about him being a ginger although it makes sense cuz gingers dont have a soul... ^^ (joke, sry if i offended someone out there)

Im also digging the colors of the clothing on the zombie in the middle.

Great work!

thanks alot! i really took my time on mcmourning, especially his apron and hair. i had never done cloth stuff before... or much painting for that matter, and painted hair never really turned out. i'm happy how it turned out.

my hubby durek did the flesh golem and did a really good job. it helps that he's a nurse and sees scrubs and hospital gowns all the time :P he was happy to hear so many ppl enjoying the golem:1_Happy_Puppet1:

so thanks again!

---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

Nicely done; I really dig the surgical scrubs on the golem; I may have to steal that color scheme for when I get around to Malifaux's mad scientist. The Canine Remains looks oddly adorable, too.

One thing I noticed was that the red on Sebastian's chainsaw looks a little thick. In my experience, red acrylics tend to run to the gloopy-gloppy side, and their coverage is always awful. I have found that P3's Red Ink is a wonderful thinning agent to help smooth out my reds. As a pigment-rich liquid, it takes away the paint's blobbiness without diluting the color.

thanks for the comments! and the advice. i never really payed much attention to the red on the saw while painting it. the hubby painted the base colours and then added either a wash or an ink... i can't remember, on the saw. i didn't like how it was looking so i might have added too much paint to compensate. next time i'll try the whole thing with adding the red ink to see if it helps. any advice with using yellow paints? they always kick my butt. :Stuck_Puppet:

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All warm-colored acrylics are going to have worse coverage than cool colors -- yellows, oranges, bronzes, and golds will all take more time and effort to apply well. Multiple thin coats will work better for these colors than one heavy coat.

I like using washes to add depth, and this is especially true of light colors like yellow. A brown or red wash can deepen the definition without wiping out the tone the way a black wash will. It helps to have different yellows and off-white colors to use for highlighting, too.

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@ TeeCee: Can't wait for your Pandora crew (especialy Kade :P ) and what you'll do with your Dreamer crew.

@ El Indio: Ya yellow has ever been my bane, GW foundation have helped, used to have a Imperial Fist army I had to add to a while back and they were a God send.

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A brown undercoat can also help when doing yellows. The brown will have better coverage, and the yellow will not be as patchy over a brown undercoat as it will a black (or white) undercoat.

Also, if you want to do a model that is predominantly yellow (or any other color, actually), Army Painter's colored primers are excellent. Great coverage, specialized for close-up spraying, and almost never globs over the details.

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Look forward to seeing Sonnia and Kaeris. Just finished reading the last fluff in Book 3 and Sonnia features heavily. As does Kaeris who dukes it out with Misaki who I am basing a Vik crew around.

Will get some pics up of my first 2 crews soon. Got the 3 Ortega boys done (apart from bases)


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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks alot lonelypath. i hope to have more up soon... just gotta get thru exams and a week with my parents first.

---------- Post added at 04:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

and i can't wait to see urs daemonkin! i do like kaeris and i love sonnia's alt sculpt and avatar (it's the reason i got her!)

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 PM ----------

Hi everybody!

Well… it’s been a long time since I’ve posted and I’ve been busy so I haven’t really painted anything. To fill this gap, I decided to post one of my first models. I think it was my third, before I took any classes or anything. I don’t play Warmachine so I’m not sure what it is, besides a jack for the Cygnar? I painted it for a buddy of mine. He wanted the shiny finish so please forgive the large reflective glare (photos were done quickly before he left lol). I’m really proud of it since it was one of my firsts. So here it is:



For my next trick… I’ll be painting my Kaeris crew, starting with my gamins. Thanks for reading!

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