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Freikorps is one of my crews.

They have some efficient Models but they lack the Speed and kill tricks that the other crews have.

Going with a second Libram, you have tied yourself into moving VonSchill with them or you will lose them to the game of attrition. The Specialist is often a handbrake with his slower movement, so unless you can bring his flame to bear there is no reason to use him.

I'm a fan of Trappers for multiple reasons.

1. Guide. This effect speeds up your block of infantry held slow by the libram for moving through swamp and building clusters.

2. 16" Range + Out of Shadows. Get in there and direct them to where you want them or kill menials like totems.

3. Jerky Time. Another reason to hang with Von Schill.

4. Scout, Hunter, Ruthless, Stubborn. Yeah it might as well say ninja lol.

Von Schill loves to go solo. Its really the only reason to take the student. Dish out Fast, get your 20" movement, next turn win intiative and kill the critical target, Nimble back into safety. Somehow you come off second best use the Slow to die with Soulstones. This leaves the Student with your Sniper/Trapper for an extra shot or to catch up and take an objective.

So Who do you add? My Choices, dropping the Specialist for most games..

- Lazarus. Walking Cover with effective firepower, healing and great for soaking up enemy charge. Con, need to custom build a model.

- Hans. Dude loves hanging with the Student for triple shot. With a trapper for a first turn guide to move into place. Combos as cover fire for VS solo.

- Jack Daw. Immortality++, kill scheme, terror. Spirit. Works with Student for Objective hugging. Makes up for some of the things the korps can't do like walk through walls and scaring the crap out of formations.

- Trapper. Best line ever.

- Libram. If you are going to play block, do it properly.

- None. Save the SS for VS survivability.

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personally i would drop the second librarian since both will require you to discard a card when they activate but you only get one extra card from arcane resevoir. with that in mind any of kael's suggestions are good for replacing her, i would however add Misaki (tricky to keep alive but is brutal if you do) and taelor since both add melee, magical damage which is what the crew lacks. i would also suggest looking at the convict gunslinger or a ronin instead of the specialist who is very situational but can be devastating if your opponent doesnt know what he does (blew up all of collodis marrionettes for me leaving a vik dree to walk in and kill him).

you want to keep von schill on as many soulstones as possible for slow to die healing flips.

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personally i would drop the second librarian since both will require you to discard a card when they activate but you only get one extra card from arcane resevoir.

Got a ruling on that? From what I have been told and how it reads, the increased hand size is per model while that model is in play. 3 Libram means +3 Cards.

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I am fairly certain you can only gain +1 card from Arcane Resevoir, no matter how many of your models take it. This has frequently been used as a reason to not take certain combinations of models, as the benefits do not stack.

Whatever the ruling is, 2 Librarians is probably still too many for most games.

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I'd dispute this.

Even though it's been ruled on? Can't see that working out too well

Librarians definitely have their place, you just have to work around placing them where Von Schill is likely to end his turn... but being the most expensive model in the crew definitely is a pain for being the Kill Protege target if nothing else

Also despite Slow to Die healing to keep it in the game you have to be very careful of kill/sacrifice effects removing it without slow to die kicking in

However, being able to heal up just about everything really easily is an awesome ability, it just comes with some serious drawbacks

For your strictly Freikorps list i'd definitely say drop the 2nd Librarian and the Student in favour of a Freikorpsman & a 2nd Trapper

Also, for strategies where the 2nd wave punch of the speciailist isn't going to shine i'd suggest dropping the Student, 2nd Librarian and the specialist in favour of 2x Freikorpsmen & the 2nd Trapper

That said i'd also heartily recommend Taelor, Ronin and even a Desperate merc as excellent pieces for a Von Schill led crew

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Even though it's been ruled on? Can't see that working out too well

It was ruled on without the citing of source that details why. The ability was clearly intended so the player has a card to discard to the librarians arcane receptical. To retard the ability makes the librarian a drawback at that cost. I play casual and will let my freikorps opponents with 2+ librarians use it.

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It was ruled on without the citing of source that details why. The ability was clearly intended so the player has a card to discard to the librarians arcane receptical. To retard the ability makes the librarian a drawback at that cost. I play casual and will let my freikorps opponents with 2+ librarians use it.

Situations when effects do or do not stack (rules manual page 20):

"Stacking Effects

Ongoing game effects:

-Do not stack (apply their effects cumulatively) on a model if received from talents or spells with the same name unless indicated otherwise in their description. Ignore additional applications of the same named effect to that model.

-Do stack when listed as [name] +/-, such as Armor +1, even if they have the same name.

-Do stack when received from Talents or Spells with different names."

"Arcane Reservoir: Increase this model's Crew's Maximum Hand Size while this model is in play."

Arcane reservoir has the same name as Arcane Reservoir, so the effect is obviously not received from talents with different names.

Is Arcane Reservoir listed as a [name] +/-? Nope, it would have to be called Arcane Reservoir +1.

The state of the model that is being changed (definition of effect) is belonging to a crew whose maximum hand size is increased by +1. If the crew's maximum hand size was increased by an additional +1 (second librarian), the effect on the model (it's crew's maximum hand size increasing by +1) would be cumulative. This is not allowed per the first bullet point.

@Kael Hate

The Marshal's ruling was pretty straightforward. Do you really need them to cite the rules right there in the manual for it to be official? Just because the rule/ruling makes a model perform poorer than you think it should, is no reason to spread rule misinformation. If you really think it was erroneous, ask again in the rules forum.

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@Todd, thx for quoting the rule manual I have right here in front of me. None of those points relate to this case. Each librarian has only 1 copy of Arcane reservior and that copy does not apply to any other models in its text or ability.

To say that everyone in the crew is effected by Arcane Reservior is to say that everyone in the crew is affected by Hamelins the void as it prevents the crew from drawing control cards.

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Outcasts Crew - 35ss - Scrap Von Schill

Student of Conflict 3ss


Convict Gunslinger5ss Rare 1

Freikorpmann 4ss

Freikorpmann 4ss

Freikorps Librarian 7ss

Freikorps Specialist5ss Rare 1

Freikorps Trapper 6ss

with 4ss

Von Schill Minion.png

Freikorpmann 4ss

Freikorpmann 4ss

Freikorps Specialist 5ss Rare 1

Freikorps Trapper 6ss

Lazarus 8ss Unique

Taelor 8ssUnique

4ss left

so here is my new von schill lists .

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