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Malifaux Campaign


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For something like this you could adapt the rules from either the old Necromunda game (you can download them from GW's specialist games site) or if you can get your hands on it the General's Compendium also from Games Workshop (a great book altogether).

With that said I would recommend a map or story based campaign for your group. If you need some ideas for territories (and their benefits) to fight over let me know and I can send you the ones we use for our leagues.

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malifaux would be perfect for the kind of terrain based story campaign they have in white dwarf 213-214 (thorskin's Island)

Basically the person running the campaign wrote up a very simple map of the island, you'd want a simple map of malifaux and the surrounding regions. Each turn (every couple weeks probably) you mark 3 locations on the map with goals and a description of the terrain. For instance one week you might mark the following:

Malifaux north- The Hanging Tree Horror. For the last fortnight bodies have been found each morning beneath the hanging tree south of Malifaux station. Despite being stone dead each corpse's eyes follow the swinging body of Jack Daw in the nonexistent breeze of the Hanging Tree's branches. The Guild has ordered the matter investigated. The Resurrectionists have had their own curiosity piqued. The Neverborn recognize signs and are on the warpath. Arcanists have a delicate experiment in the area and can't afford to have it disrupted.

Fight a scrap in ghost town territory, include the hanging tree special terrain piece. You may chose any of the following strategies: contain power, destroy evidence, distract, plant evidence, reconnoiter, or treasure hunt.

and similar ones for the other two sites. Then players can play series of matches against other players who are going after the same site. They can play more than one but they get more points for the first game played against a given opponent (to encourage people to play as many opponents as possible). Players with the most points for a site face each other in a final fight. Winner gets some small bonus in the next turn. You may want to customize the bonus by faction- for instance in the above scenario a Guard player may get a bonus of a free exorcist in the next turn.

if you only have 5-6 players it may work better to only have one or two sites for each turn to fight over.

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Book three has a map of Malifaux city marked with some key locations (it is also on the Malifaux.com website).

For the record though 011121, the Hanging Tree with Jack Daw is located right near the Governor General's mansion and the breach, just outside of Malifaux Station and downtown (not in a ghost town). I do like the concept though.

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Book three has a map of Malifaux city marked with some key locations (it is also on the Malifaux.com website).

For the record though 011121, the Hanging Tree with Jack Daw is located right near the Governor General's mansion and the breach, just outside of Malifaux Station and downtown (not in a ghost town). I do like the concept though.

If you look on the map it is south of malifaux station but that's clearly outside city limits. And if you look for the hanging tree special feature it shows up in the ghost town terrains (as well as bayou's edge and a couple others that make no sense).

EDIT: just noticed the governor's mansion is also outside of town near the station. Seems a little odd, but okay :)

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I'm trying my hardest not to do a map campaign, as some of us are also running the new Warhammer: Blood in the Badlands. The ideas from that are really good too, but I just want something different.

I'll have to check out the Necromunda rules, been a while since I've read through it. One of the guys has the Generals compendium, I'll have to take a look.

After I posted this last night I came up with a pretty cool idea, based on those books where you decide where the story goes by going to page X. Pretty much, all players will have a different story and will watch the story unfold by winning/loosing games. For the first game, a master may have to go to the QZ to find a mystery man, while another may also have to venture to the QZ, but to find a missing relic. A win for player will advance the story in a positive direction where a loss you may have to run into hiding. All stories will interlock at some point, similar in the way the stories in the books have gone, thus far.

This is very brief as I'm running late for work lol.

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Might be neat to use something like the ones PP introduced with Hordes. There is a certain amount of territories (which may or may not grant special abilities) and whomever has the most territories win.....but, there are like three special territories for each faction (placed so you would have to take some other territories first) and if you can conquer and hold all three then you win regardless of number of territories held.

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