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zombie fodder vs blasts



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Well, it's specifically an "action" that causes Dg or Wd. So things that are not actions that cause Dg or Wd may not be attacks. Abilities or Triggers may cause Dg and Wd without being considered attacks, for instance.

I believe the normal ruling is that a :blast is not an attack but rather a side effect from a successful attack. So zombie fodder would not block it.

(As an aside, I feel this fits the fluff better-it's easier to shove a nearby zombie into a sword strike or even a bullet than to use them as cover for an explosion.)

The opposite seems like a valid enough approach however, and the rules seem somewhat open to interpretation on this point.

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Well, it's specifically an "action" that causes Dg or Wd. So things that are not actions that cause Dg or Wd may not be attacks. Abilities or Triggers may cause Dg and Wd without being considered attacks, for instance.

I believe the normal ruling is that a :blast is not an attack but rather a side effect from a successful attack. So zombie fodder would not block it.

I think "hit" is the operative word here. Zombie Fodder only protects Nicodem when he is hit by an attack, whereas blasts don't hit what they touch/overlap. The rules just say that models touched by a blast suffer the damage.

this is how i thought it was as well. The one person i have run into this discussion with says he wont except the answer unless it comes streight from a Marshal.

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Its the same reason people target weak models around hard to hit models that can shunt hits off onto others like kirai and pandora. This has allready been answered months ago by rules marshals


would this be the post you speak of...lolol... i see the point you make but it dosnt say anything about the zombie fodder abilty and I cant see a conection between Martyr and Zombie Fodder.

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I know this was brought up a while ago, but i was just wondering if there was any definante answer to my question..... so the basic question would be if an attack would cause a blast near nicodem and the blast marker was in range of him could he use zombie fodder to negate the blast.

sorry to be a pain about this

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