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When the Model feels horrid, what do you do?

Kael Hate

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I Looked around and saw Warmachines Asphyxious, and feel its much stronger in look to....

Not sure if Asphyxious would work well, that model is on a 40mm base and Levi is 30mm if I'm not mistaken. Asphyxious is a pretty big model is all.

I had the same problem with another sculpt in Hordes and so I avoided buying/playing the model for a very long time. Even though it is considered quite powerful. However, I recently got it converted to be much more pleasing to me now.

I voted convert, but not playing it is the other way I go.

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There are very few figures I've seen that I disliked so much that I just couldn't put them on the table.

I have one Alkemy figure that's a topless cat woman. I will probably try to turn her vest into a cutoff shirt with greenstuff, but it's a consistency issue as much as anything else. It looks odd to see all of the other ones covered up (though some just enough to appease the humans) but having one effectively saying "hey, check out my plastic surgeon's work!". Well, besides the obvious they are cat-people thing, anyway.

If Levi's head is the only problem, I vote greenstuff. I'm a terrible sculptor but this thread has inspired me to give it a shot if and when I ever get around to my newly-acquired Leveticus crew.

Sidenote - Some Religious persons have told me that the act of drawing a card is tantumount to witchcraft and the only reason they can't play the game. I'm looking at a phone app to get them around the actual act.

Witchcraft? Wow, that's a new one on me too. Worst I've ever heard is that gambling is a sin, people gamble with normal cards, therefore owning normal card decks are tempting fate. Stuff like Rack-O and Skip-Bo are OK because they aren't made for gambling games.

Was also told by his Pastor that even CCG's like Magic or L5r were witchcraft even thou the card is not read as a value like Tarot. I questioned his playing of D&D and things like World of Warcraft but apparently its ok because there are no spiritual energies reading fate with Dice or Computer Generated randomness.

I wonder what he thinks of the card game Redemption? ;)

D&D and dice both get a pass, yet cards are the Devil's tools. Huh. The hardline types in this area would probably say the exact opposite, claiming cards are just cards but RPGs are tantamount to summoning demons.

Lastly, I have pagan friends and the notion that any game is "witchcraft" would probably have them laughing.

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