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Focused Seamus list


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I've been thinking of trying this out recently, but can't really be a judge on how successful it will be because I've never seen a list like it played before. All comments appreciated.

35SS List:


Jack Daw (10)

Bete Noire (9)

Convict Gunslinger (6)

3x Canine Remains (6)

Cache: 6

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are the canines there only as a means of delivering bete? If so, it seems kinda overkill. at that point, id rather do dead rider (10) grave spirit (1) and a rotten belle (4) for 15. Hard hitting, fast moving, resilient beatstick. and the extra points you get from the exchange can be used on the rotten belle which is excellent with gunslinger. This list looks like it'd be interesting for contain power. Not sure of what else it'd really be good at. but yeah, contain power + bodyguard + maybe kill protege this list would be pretty good

If this is planned as a take all comers list...


dont make take all comers lists that is

its not how this game should be played

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Yeah, yeah...this list is meant for the killy-stuff, not the objective-grabby-stuff. Hence the word 'focused' in the title...

i figured as much, but i wasnt absolutely sure what exactly it was focused on. But yeah, I dunno... bete is great and all, but taking an extra 6 points of disposable dogs just to bring her in is a bit much. I actually kinda like her in objective grabby lists, where when my enemy kills my grabbers, bete pops out and shows them some manners

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I get the feeling you may have missed the bigger picture...so here it is:

Jack, Bete and Seamus all have triggers that kill outright (Heartstopper/Slit Jugular). Jack also has another trigger that forces opponents to discard. All of them work off different suits. The Convict is there for supressing fire, to lower your opponent's hand some more.

As for the dogs, yes they are there to drop Bete, but the reason I chose dogs is for the extra bonus of the Rabies trigger to lower WP (good for Seamus and Jack). Obviously, save the crows in my hand for slittin', but chances of getting it on a flip isn't too bad.

PS: Sorry if I sound like a ****...that's just the way I am. (Cue: mythicFOX:))

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I get the feeling you may have missed the bigger picture...so here it is:

Jack, Bete and Seamus all have triggers that kill outright (Heartstopper/Slit Jugular). Jack also has another trigger that forces opponents to discard. All of them work off different suits. The Convict is there for supressing fire, to lower your opponent's hand some more.

As for the dogs, yes they are there to drop Bete, but the reason I chose dogs is for the extra bonus of the Rabies trigger to lower WP (good for Seamus and Jack). Obviously, save the crows in my hand for slittin', but chances of getting it on a flip isn't too bad.

PS: Sorry if I sound like a ****...that's just the way I am. (Cue: mythicFOX:))

oh.. i actually had no idea what jack did other than no cheat aura (waiting to get mine in the mail)

edit: Its hard to tell what exactly you want critiqued commented when it just looks like a random assortment of models really without a thesis for it.

Edited by fritz the cat
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The only thing this list can really do is launch dogs at the enemy to deliver Betty (and you have to pace yourself for that, or they'll all die in one turn) and hope Jack Daw is there to throw up his no cheat aura / tie up the enemy.

The issue is that you're combining two styles of play (Jack Daw and Bete) that don't have much synergy together, at least IMO.

Edit: Having now seen your ninja post explaining your choices. I guess I could see it working with contain power, but you're going to have issues with being out activated.

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i dunno, i guess the problem I see is that youre entirely suit dependant (like hardore) If i was playing against this list id take the paralyzes from cg on non-essential model..or just space them out so it only tags one if it gets through. And after that ... well, if i just ignore your dogs you'd have to move bete into combat so thats only 1 chance to slit a throat. and seamus i guess can get pretty killy, but if youve only drained a couple cards by the time youve activated him... i dunno, relying on triggers off 2 models is kind of scary tactically

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id actually still like to fit a rotten belle in there as she can set up the flurry that youre relying on really

Back to the task at hand...

Well, I would have to agree with that, but space limitation says no. Seamus can always sacrifice a crow to summon one, though.

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Back to the task at hand...

Well, I would have to agree with that, but space limitation says no. Seamus can always sacrifice a crow to summon one, though.

true, but thats a high crow thats vital to your game plan succeed. If i see you drop your 10+ crow to get a belle out (after youve had a dog die atleast, and perhaps have bete already out on the table) id think nothing of dropping high cards on defense knowing you wouldnt be able to get the trigger and still hit.

In this size game i just dont see it being terribly effective unless they didnt know it was coming. In a larger game where there were more pieces on the table, more things they'd want to spend their hand on... yeah, I could see that being effective, but youre effectively spending every single ss to get this gimmick off and if i see it coming, I can effectively fight it

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I used a fairly similar list last tourney,

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter -- 6 Pool

+ Seamus, Avatar of Dread [2ss]

Bête Noire [9ss]

Convict Gunslinger [6ss]

Jack Daw [10ss]

Rotten Belles [4ss]

It worked out very well, only ended up losing a convict in the end while more or less killing off vikkies, von schill and throwing out some paralyze. Given that it's very low on activations you need to be careful, but if you manage to get Seamus manifesting, terrifying 15-17, -2 wp aura and jack daws severed ties are just -brutal-. So basically, it's nasty but a lot of high ss cost models and low amount of activations.

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I've been thinking of trying this out recently, but can't really be a judge on how successful it will be because I've never seen a list like it played before. All comments appreciated.

35SS List:


Jack Daw (10)

Bete Noire (9)

Convict Gunslinger (6)

3x Canine Remains (6)

Cache: 6

This list would probably be hilariously effective.

But I honestly wouldn't take 3 Canines.

Just because they're kinda useless.

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This list would probably be hilariously effective.

But I honestly wouldn't take 3 Canines.

Just because they're kinda useless.

A pair of Necropunks would be better IMO. Cb 5 + Flurry (when set up) can help deplete the opponent's hand as Hard to Kill can help keep you around that turn you need to be able to activate and flurry. And if they kill you, pop out Bete! Win/win!

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I was thinking about this list and its concept, and it seems like there would be more cost effective things to use rather than Jack Daw. Theres alot of things out there that have very good effects or triggers that most players would be willing to burn cards to avoid. Crooked men come to mind. Their melee trigger of paralyze is pretty awesome, and like the convicts spell, would want to be avoided. Avoiding being pulled into shafted markers aswell seem like something people would fight to avoid.

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I was thinking about this list and its concept, and it seems like there would be more cost effective things to use rather than Jack Daw. Theres alot of things out there that have very good effects or triggers that most players would be willing to burn cards to avoid. Crooked men come to mind. Their melee trigger of paralyze is pretty awesome, and like the convicts spell, would want to be avoided. Avoiding being pulled into shafted markers aswell seem like something people would fight to avoid.

Thing with Jack Daw is that while a WP -> 13 Morale Duel is fairly easy to pass, it's getting much less easy to pass it once you can't cheat it. Tag teaming aSeamus and Jack Daw is just love in a can, if the enemy gets too grouped up. So you're getting both the card burning shenanigans and a brutal Avatar at the cost of just...well, 12 stones. But still!

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Thing with Jack Daw is that while a WP -> 13 Morale Duel is fairly easy to pass, it's getting much less easy to pass it once you can't cheat it. Tag teaming aSeamus and Jack Daw is just love in a can, if the enemy gets too grouped up. So you're getting both the card burning shenanigans and a brutal Avatar at the cost of just...well, 12 stones. But still!

but with not being able to cheat youre not really helping the gimmick of emptying their hand of cards. I mean, the jack daw has definately value in itself, but In a crew whos primary focus is getting rid of the opponents control hand I'd think you'd not want to get rid of that opportunity.

Plus I was thinking, with the low number of models activating, youre going to be out activated which also doesnt really help get rid of cards by the time youve done yours shtick. I'd rather have a variety of things on my side of the board that would cause duels to plink at their cards. Let them use up their cards on a few choice duels they need. And by the time your plan is ready to roll, they're already down a few cards and you can go for the grand slam.

Seems like it'd be alot easier to wait out the turn a bit, let things go on as they should, hope they're down a couple cards. Let them burn cards on getting out of the convicts paralyze. With any luck they could be down 4-5 cards, and then its only going to take 2 cracks at them to slit their throats. Plus that way, youre not so dependant on suits rather than the requisite 2-3 high crows the initial concept would need. Because when youre going after a master, a low crow aint going to do diddly

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Seems like it'd be alot easier to wait out the turn a bit, let things go on as they should, hope they're down a couple cards. Let them burn cards on getting out of the convicts paralyze. With any luck they could be down 4-5 cards, and then its only going to take 2 cracks at them to slit their throats. Plus that way, youre not so dependant on suits rather than the requisite 2-3 high crows the initial concept would need. Because when youre going after a master, a low crow aint going to do diddly

That's pretty much the idea of the crew.

As for switching the dogs for Necropunks, I have weighed this up and keep coming back with Dogs. More activations, faster, and the Rabies trigger wins over flurry and a very rare casting of leap....which you will not cheat as this crew is already quite control-hand-intensive.

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