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Kirai and non-Rezzer Spirits


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Hello! New player here, and I picked Kirai. Gorgeous miniature, and I have always loved Japanese ghosts and legends, so fit's me perfectly. And I see on her card, and on the Crew creator, that you can use Spirits from other factions. Insidious Madness and Snow Storm, something else? My question is, is there any synergy between these figures? I know that Kirai can move them around, and you've got quite a few way to heal them. But other than that?

Thanks in advance for the help. :)

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Sounds nice, thanks! :)

The Insidious Madness looks cool, and feels kinda Japanese, in that creepy tentacly way. XP

I was really hoping of some sort of AWESOME synergy between the Snow Storm and Kirai, but I guess I will pick it up anyway because I LOVE the model.

Jack Daw looks so freaky, gotta love him. But he's already on my "to get"-list. ^^

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So Madness can do that? Awesome! :) Then it's on my list, and I really like the model too. Makes me happy inside. :)

Now I'm going off-topic in my own thread, but which NON-spirit models are good with her? I'm looking at the Samurai Punk Zombie, and they look really cool in my opinion. I've already seen some Von Schill+Librarian tips on here, but I'm not really a fan of the models so it's not gonna happen.

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So Madness can do that? Awesome! :) Then it's on my list, and I really like the model too. Makes me happy inside. :)

Now I'm going off-topic in my own thread, but which NON-spirit models are good with her? I'm looking at the Samurai Punk Zombie, and they look really cool in my opinion. I've already seen some Von Schill+Librarian tips on here, but I'm not really a fan of the models so it's not gonna happen.

The librarian is awesome with Kirai, even at 9ss. With the librarian you never have to worry about mismanaging her wounds. After a turn of summoning I can usually have Kirai back to full health by the end of the turn. Lost Love casts (1) Pass Beyond on her turn 1-2 and she's a spirit also for the rest of the encounter to use in Kirai's trickery.

Arcane reservoir is always nice too.

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So Madness can do that? Awesome! :) Then it's on my list, and I really like the model too. Makes me happy inside. :)

Now I'm going off-topic in my own thread, but which NON-spirit models are good with her? I'm looking at the Samurai Punk Zombie, and they look really cool in my opinion. I've already seen some Von Schill+Librarian tips on here, but I'm not really a fan of the models so it's not gonna happen.

TBH you don't desperately need non-spirit models with her.. I don't run Von Schill+Librarian with her, though I have both of them for my Merc crew, I prefer Jack and you can't take him in the same crew as Von Schill.

A lot of people however seem to like the Dead Rider.. he's fast, reasonably tough and if the Lost Love can make him a spirit he rocks.

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Okay. :) The Samurai Punk Zombie is more of a looks thing, since I really thing the dual Katana wielding zombies looks freaking cool. Okay, nice to hear that the Von Schill+Librarian is not some sort of auto-include. Jack Daw is more my style, just based on the design of him. ^^

Yeah, I've read about him on PullMyFinger. He seems fun, although kinda pricey. But I've been checking him out, so to speak. :D

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