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The Bayou Fights Back!


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I'm looking to start a Som'er "Teeth" Jones Crew, yet the sheer amount of models he'll be fielding has me a little bit flustered. I've been perusing the tactics pages and doing as much research about him as I can. I've come to the conclusion that I would like to have a fairly pig heavy army, along with that I love the gremlin taxidermists model but I'm not sure if stuffed piglets are a tactically sound choice. I should probably mention what I'm trying to achieve with this thread, I'm asking you what models I shall need to be buying to have a (relatively) competitive pig heavy Som'er Crew, keeping in mind I loathe all the Lacroix models, and the pig-a-pult is another model I despise. I do apologise for being picky but the models are what really draws me into an army (I'll be waiting for Som'er's Alt. because I assume it has to look better than his original) Anyway, whatever advice you can provide would be fantastic!


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I'm looking to start a Som'er "Teeth" Jones Crew, yet the sheer amount of models he'll be fielding has me a little bit flustered. I've been perusing the tactics pages and doing as much research about him as I can. I've come to the conclusion that I would like to have a fairly pig heavy army, along with that I love the gremlin taxidermists model but I'm not sure if stuffed piglets are a tactically sound choice. I should probably mention what I'm trying to achieve with this thread, I'm asking you what models I shall need to be buying to have a (relatively) competitive pig heavy Som'er Crew, keeping in mind I loathe all the Lacroix models, and the pig-a-pult is another model I despise. I do apologise for being picky but the models are what really draws me into an army (I'll be waiting for Som'er's Alt. because I assume it has to look better than his original) Anyway, whatever advice you can provide would be fantastic!


I prefer the Pig Heavy List and utilize it more then any other. I would say that a decent starter purchase would be:

  • Crew Box (you are going to need the Bayou Gremlins and the Hog Whisperer any way)
  • (2) Giant Skeeter Blisters (crucial for the Boomerang and also great for transitioning to other tactics)
  • (2) Piglet Blisters
  • (2) Stuffed Piglet Blisters
  • (1) Gremlin Taxidermist (facilitates a great assasination tactic, allows you to recycle your dead models, and guarantees fodder for your Warpigs Eat Your Fill Action)

Always include at least 2 Bayou Gremlins so you can use Some'r to replace killed Piglets (and "pig ladder" them up field to achive objectives). Use the Skeeters to position your Piglets for the stampedes and return them safely to cover. Once they start dying recycle them with the Taxidermist into Stuffed Piglets for assasination runs. A Warpig can be great as a sort of "Heavy Bomber" for your Pig Boomerangs, and is great at blocking LOS to less desirable (but closer) enemy models for your Piglets.

It can take a little bit to really get the hang of but once you do it can be very powerful.

After this initial purchase, look at these for follow on purchase

  • Mctavish
  • Slop Haulers
  • (1) more blister of Bayou Gremlins
  • (1) Warpig Blister (2 of these can be fun to run but rarely net their points back, the Taxidermist mitigates this somewhat)

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@Dumb Luck, what would the rat be used for?

@Omenbringer, thank you so much! All of what you've said is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for by starting this thread. I don't think the started set comes with a hog whisperer though. I didn't realise the warpig has eat your fill! I so love that rule. I've been looking through the Pull My Finger wiki and it has basically reiterated what you've said.

Thanks a heap guys!

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Ah ha, the rat.

Well, firstly it can be handy for nomming up corpse counters. Don't underestimate this. It can actually be very handy.

Most importantly, it can heal your Skeeters. Notice how they take three wounds when they activate? Well, killing a Rat heals all Vermin (like Skeeters) two wounds. Use Larvae on the Rat for a free Skeeter and one that is healed up somewhat.

Omenbringer, must ask - Pig Boomerang. Is that getting Piglets up the board with The Other White Meat rule?

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Ah ha, the rat.

Well, firstly it can be handy for nomming up corpse counters. Don't underestimate this. It can actually be very handy.

Most importantly, it can heal your Skeeters. Notice how they take three wounds when they activate? Well, killing a Rat heals all Vermin (like Skeeters) two wounds. Use Larvae on the Rat for a free Skeeter and one that is healed up somewhat.

Omenbringer, must ask - Pig Boomerang. Is that getting Piglets up the board with The Other White Meat rule?

From the Pull My Finger Wiki:

The Pig Boomerang:

This strategy makes use of a large number of Pigs, and Som'er's ability to maneuver them.

Som'er has the spell "Sooey!", which allows a Pig within range (18", very far for Malifaux) to move towards him a number of inches equal to the Pig's Charge value (generally 10"). Because Som'er has the spell, his totems, the Mosquitoes may cast it as well! The nice thing about "Sooey!" is that even if you fail the spell, the pigs Charge the model who cast it. This may seem like a disadvantage at first, but the Pigs still move their charge distance either way, and since you control them you can simply cheat their attacks down. So even if the spell fails, you still get what you want.

To do this you will want to take a number of Piglets, 1-2 Warpigs (depending on game size), a Hog Whisperer, and two Mosquitoes. A few Bayou Gremlins as "Git Yer Bro!" and Larva targets are always essential. One Mosquito can stay back to cast Larva while the other flies up the board and helps position your pigs.

Use the Hog Whisperer to buff your pigs. He has some neat spells which enhance them, further discussed on his page. After he has done that, you will probably want to fly one Mosquito up the board and cast "Sooey!" to Push your Pigs into position (all the Pigs within the Pulse may move up to 10" towards the Mosquito and if benefitting from the Hog Whisperer's "Never Happen" spell can ignore movement penalties and blocking terrain). Now, activate the Pigs and start causing mayhem!

The Pigs have an ability called Stampede which make their attacks require fewer Action Points, allowing it to make more of them. (the attack in question is Swine Dash, discussed in more detail on the Pig's pages) However, it must attack the closest model in LOS. So, once your Pigs are in position, you simply unleash them and watch the mayhem as they stampede through your opponent's lines! Now, of course, you do not want them stampeding all over you, but luckily they only start stampeding if they begin their activation more than 8" from a gremlin. But once they start stampeding, simply having a gremlin close enough is no longer good enough. You need a specific ability like Pork Whisper'n on Som'er and the Hog Whisperer to calm them down. Be careful, closest non-pig model in LOS means closest non-pig model in LOS and they can stampede on you. The Warpig may be used to screen models from stampeding piglets because of their Ht and Base size allowing a bit more control when utilizing this tactic. Also remember that during Swine Dash's the pigs must push their full Cg directly toward the nearest non-pig model within LOS however may go beyond the target after the gore/nibble strike (meaning that once you have reached the closest non-pig model within LOS and attacked you can continue the push past him in a new direction and vary the distance to allow a new target) . This is another subtle form of controlling stampeding pigs after the first attack and can result in multiple attacks on the same target or bouncing from target to target to strike at deeper targets.

During the stampedes, use the "Sooey!" ability on Som'er and the mosquitoes to reposition the Pigs so that they are closest to the targets which you actually want to attack and the Warpigs to screen closer targets you dont want to target. This takes a fair bit of finesse to master and can results in pigs bouncing all around the board uncontrollably. The final piece of the tactic is using either another mosquito, a Hog Whisperer or Som'er himself to cast "Sooey!" and push the pigs back into cover, hence the name the Pig Boomerang (you send them out, then call them back)!

Meanwhile, Som'er can make more Piglets with a combination of "Git Yer Bro!" and "Come and Get it!" and send them up the board to cause more chaos.

Advanced Note: Stampede says that you must target the closest non-pig model within LOS with Swine Dash, but you may ignore any models in base contact. So, if a Mosquito uses "Sooey!" on a Pig to move it up field and the Pig ends up in base to base with the Mosquito then it may choose to ignore the Mosquito when determining the closest model. This allows you to more easily position your Pigs with "Sooey!" and still attack opponents while your Pigs are stampeding.

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@Omenbringer, thank you so much! All of what you've said is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for by starting this thread. I don't think the started set comes with a hog whisperer though. I didn't realise the warpig has eat your fill! I so love that rule. I've been looking through the Pull My Finger wiki and it has basically reiterated what you've said.

Thanks a heap guys!

Care to guess who wrote alot of the Pig Boomerang portion?

Omenbringer, must ask - Pig Boomerang. Is that getting Piglets up the board with The Other White Meat rule?

The above Pullmyfinger wiki refernce sums it up well huh?

The one I really need to lay out on there is the Pig Ladder tactic. Perhaps when I get some time off.

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Way different then the Boomerang.

The boomerang sends out your pig squadrons to whittle down a specific model then brings them back for healing and buffing.

The Pig Ladder sends a significant gremlin way up field in one turn to snatch objectives for VP's.

Similar models are utilized but in vastly different ways.

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Kind of though instead of chucking them with the Pigapult, you use the Skeeters to place the piglets. They then drive the target gremlin with Truffles into position to activate move and interact with an objective. The little guys can cover some amazing distance with this and it is difficult to counter if done late in the game/turn.

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