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Slim's workbench: it needs some cleanin', folks.


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Get the banjo and moonshine!


I gotta say, I...didn't have a lot of fun with The Kin box. Assembling them is a damn nightmare (tiny limbs, weird join points, separate feet) and they're all at this weird scale where they are bigger than the old metal sculpts, but smaller than the rest of the Wyrd humans. So you get this bizarre mid-point where you don't have enough room to do a lot of free-hand stuff, but you can't go too minimalist and just to shades + highlights on account of the lack of real detail on them.
So I ended up just going simple and cartoony, with drab browns contrasting with bright green skin and muddy bayou bases. I think it came out alright but to be honest I'm just glad it's done.
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