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Painting Purple

Da Big Baws

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I may get started on Resurrectionists with Seamus. Given his clothing, and somewhat his character, I was thinking how he would look in purple. Why? It isn't because he is a pimp, it's because he reminds me of Batman's archenemy, the Joker. Does the idea sound cool?

Purple is also my favorite color. But I hear it is a difficult color to do well. Anyone got any tips?

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I may get started on Resurrectionists with Seamus. Given his clothing, and somewhat his character, I was thinking how he would look in purple. Why? It isn't because he is a pimp, it's because he reminds me of Batman's archenemy, the Joker. Does the idea sound cool?

Purple is also my favorite color. But I hear it is a difficult color to do well. Anyone got any tips?

I guess it depends on the pigment you start with-

Everyone has an opinion on that

I prefer GW/Citadel "lich purple"

Being somewhat color blind myself, I can see it well and it appears visibly well with other colors I choose

Next would be the ink used to shade

I use a dark blue GW/Citadel space marine


Highlighting- I know most prefer to use bleached bone

But I'd shy away from that path-

I think that makes the purple look "foggy"

instead use a touch of pure white blended with the purple in successive layers

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I tend to use a great deal of purple in my miniatures. I also use Lich Purple quiet often. You have a few options if you are trying to do Purple. If you want a light lavender you can basecoat white or bleached bone and then give it a wash of Leviathon Purple Wash.

My "standard" method of purple is to base coat it in Lich Purple, Wash with Purple Wash, Highlight with Lich Purple, Highlight with a mix of purple and white, highlight white, wash with a thinned purple wash, and then highlight one last time with a thinned white.

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I use Vallejo purples as well and strongly recommend them.

I generally start with a mix of 2 parts dark Prussian blue, 2 parts red and 1 part purple, with my highlights being progressive layers of purple added to the mix, until I ge to almost pure purple. You can add some white to the Vallejo purple if you want to g to a brighter purple, it holds it's color well.

I've used this on over 80 Cryx models and most of m Neverborn, it's worked amazing so far.

Hope it helps

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