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How to use Ashes and dust to best effect?


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I took my brand new ashes and dust out for a game today for the first time and I have to say I was really expecting more from a 13ss model. Has anyone else found him under powered for the price or am I just ignorant in his use? If you have had success with him what have you run him with? It just seems that once you take A&D and the SPA you are very limited in what else you can take unless your playing a 45+ game. Even then your going to be grossly out activated. Any thoughts?

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he is situational...

in a treasure hunt at 35ss he is golden!... i would take levi, alyce, ashes, and 4 SPA and 2ss

use alyce to give him reactivate... shimmy 2 abominations up the board, then snap to them lose 3 wounds, walk, pick it up for 1, triple walk back and give it to alyce... then snap back to the SPA's for 3 more wounds, the SPA's can shuffle up a bit...

next turn you start with ashes on 1 wound... meh

but turn the SPA's into a desolation engine near the ashes and remember he will heal 4 wounds!

but in other strategies... using SPA's to shuffle up and then use ashes to snap in and turn their auras into industrial nightmares in a group of enemies can be devastating! 1 x willpower 12 duel per living model within 4" isn't it?

so 4 of them works like an alp bomb in the close phase (where they normally have no cards left to cheat ;))

thats how i used him last year... not sure if his cards have changed from the book to prevent any of these shenanigans

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Honestly that's the only list I run him with. Levi, ashes and tons of SPAs, and maybe a dog for a 2nd waif. I've seen lists that squeeze alyce in, but then I find I can't take enough SPAs,or the canine for the waif (I know you don't need the canine, but I play defensively with levi and always like to have it). To be honest thought, he has little to no synergy with anything other than the SPAs, and I know I've seen lists that take him with other things and maybe only 1-2 SPAs, but I feel like its a gamble to expect the other SPAs to pop up where and when you need them.

As for ashes' performance, I've never had a problem with him wrecking face, and I have yet to have it permanently removed from the game. It makes a great one two punch with a desolation engine. The only thing I would say is to keep an spa in position to move backfield a bit if possible. If the core drops in the.middle of an enemy crew its over, and you need to be able to pull it back with contort (or toward the table edge that the storm popped up on).

In that way, I would advise caution when using it. Ashes is definitely not a tank, and woth df 5 and only 8 wd it won't be sticking around if its in a bad position and the enemy makes a point to kill it. I use it as a buff bot / manipulation tool while I set up levi and the Desi. When an SPAs or Desi is in a position to contort to, without too much fear of retribution, I warp him in and smash something. Ashes is a little more complex than it seems and you really have to be careful when you decide to bring it into the fight.

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Instead of a dog, just add an extra SPA. Contort Ashes and Dust to it, and put all 3 damage on the SPA. Make it a corpse counter, and you have a second Waif ready to be made. It's one more point than the dog, but I think I would rather have this than the Canine Remains.

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Got a very nice article on him ready to go once I get my hands on his cards to check for updates. It goes into the usual crazy amount of depth I write things and should hopefully give you everything you need.

Keep your eyes on the wiki!


But strong movement abilities are definitely a huge thing for him. It can cover a frightening amount of the table in a single turn and if you ever manage to keep it in play with a Desolation Engine alive and nearby, they will simply wreck the place.

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I can't quite wrap my head around him either, and I really want to...yeh he can move around and such, but just seems like every given ability is dependent on a given situation.

No it certainly is to an extent. But the mix of them is interesting in that he often finds himself in at least one of those situations per turn. Plus the synergy with the Deso Engine and the SPA's is rather potent when you pull it off, but it's very much like Levy's own play style... you take losses for big gains and you really have to view your minions as desposible to get the most out of it I've found. It's like you bring A&D and a crew rather then a crew and A&D if that makes sense.... the crew wants to exist to help support him and for him to support, so I think a lot of the best lists with it will end up being very niche.

It takes a while to get your head around him and hopefully the article on him will help everyone out a lot.

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