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PS3 or Xbox360?

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(shrug) Honestly, it's a bit of a crap shoot. I don't play online, so for me that's been a bit of a null argument...and, honestly, if you really want to get into online stuff, you can just use a computer. Myself, I prefer 360 because, up until recently, the games that have been exclusively on 360 have been much more interesting than the games exclusively on ps3. JRPG don't do a lot for me, and most of the RPG games not in that genre that have been interesting have been PC and 360 exclusive. Granted, with Microsoft ticking off Bioware, that has changed, but still...at this point, I already own the 360. Why would I want to change systems and buy all my games all over again? Assuming they can be found in their PS2 or PS3 avatars.

Edited by edonil
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ps3 has the more powerful system and will far outlast xbox . For online play my ps3 never lags , I cant say the same for xbox ( I play often at my sisters) . Plus ps3 has less scum bag racism filled kids on the mics by far . Ps3 is free for online play period . You can pay for a premium which gets you free downloads and swag . They both have awesome exclusives .

And hackers could have hacked anyone of the platforms with the tech and personal that was used at that time .

And I totally agree with you.

Yes the PS3 will outlast the XBox even with thier new slims out on the market. I get customers that have some small issues with the slims. They're not as bad as the original Xbox's but they still have the circle-scratch issue and there are some people out there that put the XBox it tight spaces and over heat them. I haven't had any kind of issue with my PS3 and I bought it used almost two years ago.

PS3 is a very strong system, free to play online (I'll admit I do have Playstation Plus, for the perks of free stuff which is always good in my opinion.) but the lagging all depends on where you live and how strong a singnal other players have. That goes for both systems to be completely honest here.

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I find the main problem with the Wii is the controller and how the games are played. I cannot use a Wii and neither can many other people I know due to disabilities. Meanwhile they can use the controllers on the PS3 or Xbox since they don't have to wave them around.

I actually had a go at Boom Blox on the Wii and dislocated my shoulder and then couldn't use my hand for another 3 or 4 days after since it'd gone into spasm because of the controller, was not amused... Yeah, this also does mean I can't use things like Kinect, etc. since it apparently also recognizes things like crutches and affects the movement that the game reads. But I'm not bothered with Kinect and other such addons.

What the Wii does have for it is more gimmicks, it's more available game-wise for kids and the cheapest game system on the market, I think that's about it though.

As I said before though, ultimately it does come down to the games you want to play. Regardless of price or whether this system has this or that feature, you're buying it to play games and if you're buying a console because it has a feature or better performance instead of going by the games library you may end up with a expensive brick.

And as for Space Marine. Clunky control system, the Orks behave in a very non-Orky fashion, the powered up attack system is pants, your cannot seem to control the other marines properly with orders, the bolt pistoil seems stuck on semi-auto and cannot b changed to full auto (read the fluff, they can fire in either way). The list goes on. Oh,the biggest one for me is that you're stuck as a darn Ultra Smurf and I've never liked that chapter since RT first came out in the 80s!

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I find the main problem with the Wii is the controller and how the games are played. I cannot use a Wii and neither can many other people I know due to disabilities. Meanwhile they can use the controllers on the PS3 or Xbox since they don't have to wave them around.

I actually had a go at Boom Blox on the Wii and dislocated my shoulder and then couldn't use my hand for another 3 or 4 days after since it'd gone into spasm because of the controller, was not amused... Yeah, this also does mean I can't use things like Kinect, etc. since it apparently also recognizes things like crutches and affects the movement that the game reads. But I'm not bothered with Kinect and other such addons.

What the Wii does have for it is more gimmicks, it's more available game-wise for kids and the cheapest game system on the market, I think that's about it though.

As I said before though, ultimately it does come down to the games you want to play. Regardless of price or whether this system has this or that feature, you're buying it to play games and if you're buying a console because it has a feature or better performance instead of going by the games library you may end up with a expensive brick.

And as for Space Marine. Clunky control system, the Orks behave in a very non-Orky fashion, the powered up attack system is pants, your cannot seem to control the other marines properly with orders, the bolt pistoil seems stuck on semi-auto and cannot b changed to full auto (read the fluff, they can fire in either way). The list goes on. Oh,the biggest one for me is that you're stuck as a darn Ultra Smurf and I've never liked that chapter since RT first came out in the 80s!

I totally agree with this man... I couldn't have put the Ultramarines summary better myself! :D

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Personally, I'm not excited about the WiiU. Like it has a cool concept with the controller, and it may bring good business and all but the whole, "I can still play my game on my controller while someone else is watching TV" thing is not appealing. Mainly because of kids. Granted, there are a lot of kids out there that already play waaaay too many video games in my opionion because they should be outside playing around but this new system will almsot ultimately stop them from going outside.

Again the WiiU has a great concept I'm just not thrilled about the controller bit.

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This. ;)

I've been a hardcore PC gamer 4 life, but I can see the end is drawing nigh. Developers are abandoning ship left, right and center. Previous champions of the platform have defected, focusing on the console market. Not that I blame them. That's where the $$$ is.

The majority of AAA games are ports. Big ticket games enjoy a massive release for the consoles and maybe a month later, under cover of night, they turd out a PC port with quick and dirty mouse/keyboard controls and maybe some minor graphical improvements. Sure, I may have 5x the computing and graphical power, but if no developer builds a game to take advantage ...? And when a dev DOES build a PC exclusive, it's usually over-pirated, under-appreciated and suffers in sales compared to a console exlusive title.

I don't think PC gaming will ever die, but the golden age ended in the 1990s. It's becoming impossible to justify the cost and time required to upkeep a decent gaming rig.

Chance are, when the next generation of consoles are released, I'll be buying in on the ground floor.

Edited by Hatchethead
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This. ;)

I've been a hardcore PC gamer 4 life, but I can see the end is drawing nigh. Developers are abandoning ship left, right and center. The majority of AAA games are ports. Game releases for consoles and a month later, they dump out of PC port with quick and dirty mouse/keyboard controls and maybe some minor graphical improvements. Sure, I may have 5x the computing and graphical power, but if no developer builds a game to take advantage ...? And when a dev DOES build a PC exclusive, it's usually over-pirated and under-appreciated.

I hope Skyrim bucks the trend.

I don't think PC gaming will ever die, but the golden age ended in the 1990s.

Chance are, when the next generation of consoles are released, I'll be buying in on the ground floor.

PC gaming ant dying, it's stronger than ever

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PC gaming ant dying, it's stronger than ever

Yeah, yeah. I've heard the propaganda. I just don't believe it.

Honestly, yes, it IS stronger than ever, if only thanks to the prevalence of gaming in general, but it's still far weaker than the console market and becoming less relevant by the day. I've been on the front line of PC gaming since I was 8 years old. I'm sitting in front of many thousands of dollars of hardware, monitors and audio. Believe me, I'd love nothing more than for my platform of choice to be a burgeoning mecca of possibilities. Unless you honestly believe that casual gaming and the indy market are the future of video games, the PC is in trouble.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I want big ticket titles that take advantage of my $500 video card. I really dig games like Meatboy and Binding of Isaac and Minecraft and whatnot, but what we need are more titles like Battlefield 3, games that really tax the hardware. They're becoming more rare each year. Just look at Crytek. They were at the forefront of pushing the tech with Crysis, and proud of it. Then they release Crysis 2. Obviously, their priorities have changed.

Hell, even dedicated servers feel like a blessing, these days.

PC gaming will never die, but it's changing. I simply don't like the new direction. If AAA is moving to consoles, I guess I have no choice but to move along with it.

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One day consoles will take over and knock out pc gaming , but not until they can run large scale servers , for games like wow , 60 plus man servers for fps games , and the online speed to runs professional starcraft type events .

Soon consoles will be the new pc of a household , easier to use and so on . Pc will return to being primarily used for the work place .

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One day consoles will take over and knock out pc gaming , but not until they can run large scale servers , for games like wow , 60 plus man servers for fps games , and the online speed to runs professional starcraft type events .

Soon consoles will be the new pc of a household , easier to use and so on . Pc will return to being primarily used for the work place .

I've herd consoles are going to be out of date soon as well. Hell look far I-pod and android games have gotten, however I still would like buttons to press, I-pod seems too small for all my gaming needs, but does cover a lot

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PC gaming isnt entirley drowing though. Even though games are hard to get because no place even sales the hard-copies anymore. My store barely has 50 PC games. There's the web to get any kind of PC gaming these days. Consoles will probably rise to the top for all gaming and shut PC out but that probably won't be for a while just for the fact that you can get PC games online now. And yeah the Android phones and the Ipods of most generations do have a lot of games but because of the touch screens they're hard to use.

That's why I personally can't wait for the PSVita because it has touch screen and it has buttons. It's going to be soooo awesome! I can't wait to play Uncharted on a handheld! ^_^

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PC gaming isnt entirley drowing though. Even though games are hard to get because no place even sales the hard-copies anymore. My store barely has 50 PC games. There's the web to get any kind of PC gaming these days. Consoles will probably rise to the top for all gaming and shut PC out but that probably won't be for a while just for the fact that you can get PC games online now. And yeah the Android phones and the Ipods of most generations do have a lot of games but because of the touch screens they're hard to use.

That's why I personally can't wait for the PSVita because it has touch screen and it has buttons. It's going to be soooo awesome! I can't wait to play Uncharted on a handheld! ^_^

STEAM. Sorry best places to P.C games is online

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