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The Undertaker's Lot


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My first Malifaux crew and my frist steps into a higher level of painting, tell me what you think! :1_Happy_Puppet2:

Nicodem, The Undertaker


Mortimer, the Gravedigger










The Green Lantern


Hawaiin Shirt Guy


Ten points for whoever can find all the green parts on all the models :D

Comments and critiscms welcome, I'm trying to up my game, so any hints and tips are much appreciated! :1_Happy_Puppet1:

Edited by Oscilioth
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  • 6 months later...

Oh, lol! I was wondering why you asked that. I should have caught on earlier. Hehe.

I just don't think they fit too well in your color scheme. Meaning all your models have a sort of orange/brown and a bit of green. Your Belles don't really have that scheme going for them, except for the last as she is green and orange. She is actually the only one I think fits.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not trying to tell you how you should paint your figures. I just dislike the choice of colors. Especially such super bold ones.

I did it differently with my Belles (link to my thread is below). I tossed on my color scheme (orange and grey) and then added a bold color to help make each woman stand out from the others (They are whores and in their living days surely tried to attract more men than their 'coworkers'.). You can tell they belong to each other, seeing as they have the majority of the same colors.

Basically what I mean is that the bold individual color themes is actually an OK way to go for your crew. As long as all of the models benefit from the 'same' uniqueness. If you look at the Seamus crew paint job on the box, you will notice that every model has its own color scheme.

You start off with a unifying color scheme but then break it with the belles. It's ind of weird to explain, lol.

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I see what you mean, interesting point, in actual fact I never even thought about it until now, coming over from Warhammer, having a unifying colour scheme didn't seem to have any impact on Malifaux crew XD

Obviously up until this point I'd tried to do a green to kind of time them together, but it just didn't seem to pass over into the Belles.

Anyway, it's an interesting point, thanks for noticing. It might be worth noting that on the table the colours aren't quite as dramatic, my poor camera skills makes the bright colours (Belles and Hawaiian Shirt Guy) look quite a bit brighter than they actually are.

I'm soon to start a McMourning Crew and I intend to do another unifying colour, not sure what though. The Belles are kind of an in-between unit at the moment, since I will likely be using them with both Nicodem and McMourning. If I ever get Seamus and Sybelle I'll try to have them fit with him! :1_Happy_Puppet1:

Thanks for the input, much appreciated.

Also your guys are looking pretty nice, and that unifying theme is very noticeable there. :Smug_Puppet2:

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Haha. It is just a little thing. I grew up with Warhammer and Warhammer 40k as well as a few other minor table top games (e.g. VOID). And there I always had to make a unifying color scheme so the army would look good together.

I always thought it was unfortunate that you couldn't really make too many models stand out as such. Maybe a leader of a troop or an army general, but generally everything looked the same. Which can be good or bad.

On Malifaux I liked the idea of a unifying color scheme because I do not like super colorful armies. But I didn't want it to be like a Warhammer 40k army, since each model is in itself unique and custom sculpted. So I went with a thing in the middle. ^^

Go for a candy cane color scheme with the McMourning crew. Bone white and dried blood red. :)

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