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Lady Justice Crew (35ss) for critique


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Greetings, everyone.

I'm just getting started in Malifaux, and right now all I have is the Lady Justice boxed set. I'm looking to expand that to 35ss fairly quickly, as that seems to be the standard size played around here. After reading some of the threads on this forum, I have played around with the Crew Creator (would pay good money to have that as an iPad/iPhone app) and have come up with the following crew:

Lady Justice -- 5 Pool

Scales of Justice [2ss]

Judge [7ss]

Guardian [7ss]

Death Marshal [4ss]

Death Marshal [4ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Austringer [5ss]

Now, I haven't had a chance to use some of these models yet, so I was wondering if you had any criticism or tips for a beginner. Do you see any glaring weaknesses or see any Strategies/Schemes that I will struggle with? I am trying to build an all-rounder type list.

Thanks in advance!

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It's a good list for many different strategy schemes. I wouldn't rely to heavily on being an all comers list this game isn't really built that way. Your low on ss not seeing it as a glaring weakness because you have the guardian, but it for most part 6-7 is good.

I personally would drop the guardian and scales pick up student of conflict as a totem and a stalker. That would give you 1 more ss, much need speed boost to either get Lady J, Judge or stalker to where they need to be. Fast helps push your list so it can deal with objective strategies, and to push Lady J attack vector to scary. I love my Soc totem with her he brings so much utility to her. I have yet to lose with her since I have included him. That is 30 some games with him and her. He is not an auto include with her and fast doesn't always go to him I would place it on judge or stalker sometimes to. Judge with three casts of blades and bullets is amazing.

What factions will you be facing mainly that will help also to tailor the list.

Welcome to the law.

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Bigs is right...

If you're going to run the Austringers, you should do two... otherwise I'd take Nino or Hans... Their range is longer, and they have more tricks up their sleeves.

The Guardian is an awesome model to run with LJ because her Df is a little low, especillay when she gets into melee combat... but he's slower than she is (by 1") and it's difficult to keep him at a range to protect her. You're better off running with a cache of 8ss and using them for damage deflection/healing.

I really like both Student of Conflict and Scales. SoC is cool because he can give LJ fast, which should make almost everyone cry. Unfortunately it is another case of his speed. It is an (All) action to give a model Fast, so it's only really effective once per model. I like the Scales of Justice because I usually trail him along behind my DMs... so I can give them melee expert (using magical extention) and maybe get some junk cards out of my hand.

I also like to run Samael Hopkins in many of my crews. He's got a really great Melee attack, his ranged weapon is effective, and he's great against most masters (many of whom have a Ca of 6 or more). Santiago is another great Guild model, and he's cool 'cause when he starts getting hit he gets more BA.

What it really comes down is: What faction is your opponent playing, and what are both of your Strategies? Do you need speed or Df? Do you need to be able to kill things or protect stuff? These things should be the deciding factor on your Master and your Minions. :)

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Thanks for the advice. I realize that an all-rounders list is not entirely possible in Malifaux...I am just trying to identify which minions will get used the most and help me to achieve the greatest variety of Strategies/Schemes. I anticipate having a very large collection eventually, but I am limited by a hobby budget so I am trying to stretch my hobby dollars. :)

As far as my opponents, it appears that we have a pretty good mix of all the factions at the LGS, so I'm not sure that I can gameplan for just one type of opponent.

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Best models to deal with... anything

Death Marshals - effective against most models... don't survive long at long range, but are great due to Pine Box. Slow to Die and Hard to Wound make them last a little bit longer. Their primary weapon is Ranged.

Witchling Stalkers - Hunter and Scout make these models excelent in rough terrain for movement and shooting purposes. They don't move very fast, but they have some really neat spells and abilities that help defend against casters. Their primary weapon is Melee.

Guild Hounds - fast moving, allow for extra soulstones, good for getting objectives.

Judge - excelent at melee attacks. Has Flurry, and two spells that allow you to make two attacks with 1 Ap. He also has Slow to Die and Hard to Wound.

Samael Hopkins - good at both ranged and melee attacks. Gets bonus to Cb and Dg against casters. Has some neat tricks and abilities that keep his enemies tied down.

In my oppinion, Perdita is the best General Use master (not trying to start a flame war, promise ;)). She has an excelent stat line (high Wp and Df) and rarely misses when she shoots you. She moves fast, and has 3 Ap/turn (because she has (+1) Fast). Without her box set, she loses the ability to move her whole crew forward, but using the Judge with her will help keep her safe.

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Bigs is right...

If you're going to run the Austringers, you should do two... otherwise I'd take Nino or Hans... Their range is longer, and they have more tricks up their sleeves.

Hans??? That's a pretty unique suggestion. I'm not at all convinced that there is a situation where I would ever even consider taking Hans for the Guild.

Death Marshals - effective against most models... don't survive long at long range, but are great due to Pine Box. Slow to Die and Hard to Wound make them last a little bit longer. Their primary weapon is Ranged.

I wouldn't call them "great due to Pine Box". It's an extremely situational ability that seems to only ever see use as a delivery system for Guild's own models when you have Lucius or someone else to speed up the Marshall. I mean, yeah, DMs are great, but Pine Box is not the reason.

Edited by Math Mathonwy
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