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Foot's Wyrd adventures


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Hello all!

After stumbling upon Malifaux awhile back i finally decided to get some models and start painting them up(still haven't played a game yet but trying to recruit some friends).

I ended up going with the Neverborn mainly cause i like creepy models, but then again most Malifaux models seem to have the creepy-ness factor and i like it!

Onto some pictures even if i have only finished up two models.

First is one of my favorite models and thats Teddy

Painted it up acouple of months back but i recently rebased it.


Secondly is The Dreamer, while i do have the the original model i saw someone else use this model and rather liked the idea(and luckily i just happed to have this model laying around), cant remember the models name but its from Hasslefree miniatures.


Decided to use this model cause i normally find little girls can be abit more evil looking that boys and i can theme the crew around models like teddy.

Now i feel a smidge odd starting a painting thread with only acouple of pictures so i thought i would share some of my favorite models from a Mordheim warband i have done :)

Magister and Possessed



And acouple of mutants


Well thats all for now, if you want to see some more Mordheim stuff lemme know :)

C&C are always welcome.


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Cheers guys :)


You're right! Never thought about that.

I have acouple of things lined up for this crew, currently basing the day dreams aswell as the nightmare teddy.

Was thinking about doing something different for LCB, had an idea of making/sculpting a oversized ragdoll to match the one the dreamer is holding, could fit the theme I'm going for better. What does everyone think about that?

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