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Official UK Malifaux Doubles GT - 17th and 18th March 2012


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Now then Guys, Girls and Britney

It is approaching! I need the following things from you, ideally by next Thursday/Friday:

Your Crew Name

Your 'Boss' - This is the Master you must use in EVERY game

Read up on your fluff because of the quiz, bless your decks an d make sure everything is painted.

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Now then Guys, Girls and Britney

It is approaching! I need the following things from you, ideally by next Thursday/Friday:

Your Crew Name

Your 'Boss' - This is the Master you must use in EVERY game

Read up on your fluff because of the quiz, bless your decks an d make sure everything is painted.

And you missed one thing....PRAY FOR RICHARD :)

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it will put the tournament on an odd number of teams BUT the good thing about the doubles is if you draw the bye for the round you can still play each other and it wont be boring.

So by all means if you want to sign up, then this is fine with me

All you'll need to provide me with is £30 by Pay pal, your main master that cannot change over the weekend, and your team name. Simples!

I hope your team mate is good at answering quiz questions on the fluff :D

Paypal address is on the first post as is the email address to send me those details


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Only 2 days to go, and I've finally read the rules pack!

3 questions:

1) The 5th game on Sunday is 3.5hrs, compared to the others at 2hrs. Is this correct? Seems like a long time and drags the day out longer when we could wrap up earlier?

2) The Quiz being at 7pm on Sat, just 1hr15 after the end of game 3. Is it a quicky? How do we see this fitting in with dinner etc?

3) Am I right in saying that the Best Painted award is entered jointly, or will each teampersons crew be judged separately?


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1)Time table should read 15:55pm - There will be a new one posted up at the event so as not to confuse you all! So its 2 hours 25 minutes not 3 hours +

2) We will be staying at Maelstrom to eat i imagine as they are opening later for us to play games etc. There will be munchkin etc so we won't be going out to F&B's to eat so an hour and a half gap will be plenty for this. There wasn't a quiz or extra games after the masters. The GT is a little different

3) Painting is a joint effort. So any number of the models left out for the painting award can be painted by you or your partner. There will not be two lots of models left out. All one doubles team for each award

I can honestly say that i may have a breakdown with all the stuff i've had to get done this week!

I need your team names and masters in by tomorrow at the latest or there will be no entering a few of the competitions

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Thanks Jo.

1. Gives a possibility of making a surprise appearance at my parents for Mothers Day :)

2. As a heads up then, I probably won't be joining in with the quiz, but I think there's s loose Britney who could take my place?

3. Glad I'm not the one judging *that* mishmash lol

Only 3 days to go until it's all over and you can take a break! Methinks you need to recruit some Henchmen deputies for next time!


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