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Adepticon 2012


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It seems that this week is the official start of planning for Adepticon 2012.

So who out there is gonna come up my way to get some Malifaux playing in?

For those wondering the details

What: AdeptiCon 2012! Ten Year Anniversary!

When: April 19th – 22nd, 2012

Where: Westin Lombard Yorktown Center (Lombard, Illinois)

As far as Malifaux events go, here some hints in the form of questions as to the events we got planned

Do you like Cake?

Do you play well with others?

Are you good enough to qualify?

Do you like Puppets?

We literally have the entire weekend packed with events including a weekend long open play league and pickup games and demos all over the place.

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Tom will probably tend towards the judging, playing if he can... I can demo/judge/run around/get food/cake taste test/babysit/be entertainment as needed.

Don't worry. I already got you on the list of suckers...I mean volunteers :)

Which reminds me, PM me your email address so I can keep you in the loop with the rest of the volunteers on whats going on.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Any updates on the events? Registration is this month.

Also just wondering what the rules for the team tournament will be. Thanks.

Just submitted the first round of events for us

The schedule is in flux but roughly


8p till Midnight - The Return of the Cake Match


9a till 5p - Malifaux Team Tournament

6p till 2a - Adepticon Masters of Malifaux Qualifier 1 - Top 4 players move on to Sundays Finals


9a till 5p - Adepticon Masters of Malifaux Qualifier 2 - Top 4 players move on to Sundays Finals

7p till 2a - Story Encounter Tournament - Beginner friendly tourney


10a till 5 pm - Adepticon Masters of Malifaux Finals - by qualification only

11a till 4 pm - Puppet Wars tournament

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Rules packets will be put together in the next month or so but here are the basics for the Team tournament. These are subject to change

Each team has two players

Each player drafts a 25 stone crew. Each teams' pair of masters must be brawl compatible. Rarity is handled per crew(so both lists could have the same Rare 1 model). Unique models are considered unique across the team(So in both of a teams crews there can be only one of any unique model)

Each player will have there own separate soul stone cache(Scrap limit of 8 stones per crew) and cards.

About the only other thing that we had to work out early is how activations and initiative works. Each round, each team picks one player to flip initiative for the team. The winning team gets index cards with the number 1 and 3 on it. The losing team gets 2 and 4. Each teammate then chooses a number and everyone activates in that order for the entire round.

The tournament will used fixed Shared strategies and each player will be allowed to take one scheme(so each team will have two schemes). We are going to score this using Disparity scoring.

There are a few more minor rules we need to think about but that is the gist. Things can still change as we do more testing. My December tourney is going to be a test run of the full rules.

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No need for a team for the Cake Match, not sure if it will be team related or individual. Its mostly just for fun. Just show up with a crew and some cake.

Correct on Brawl Compatible. If two masters can work with each other in a Brawl then you can use them together in the team tourney.

Note that you are not actually hiring a 50 stone brawl crew. You are hiring two separate 25 stone scrap crews(with some special rules regarding unique models and your teammates master) so there is possibly more of a incentive to see a Kirai/Dreamer team since the Dreamer player would not be restricted to just hiring spirits like they would in a standard brawl.

At least thats how it stands at the moment. We are still testing rules and I have a test tourney(and I plan to see if some other Henchman can run some primers as well early next year) to see if we see any major issues. Honestly the Kirai/Dreamer combo is about the only one I am worried about. I need to look over there rules and then get some testing done to see what happens.

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Adepticon is going to be so much fun! Last year's Adepticon saw me faced with the dissapointment of another War Game in the same room as Adepticon, while looking on and checking things out, talking to people, and so on (having picked up my rulebook and Nico box hours before leaving for Adepticon). I can't wait! :D And I'll sleep this time before playing!

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Just had the first official planning meeting for the year

Registration should start up around Halloween.

We are looking at a some cool participation prizes for the events.

If there are people out there good at making terrain who would like to volunteer time to creating a table or two please contact me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Whoops. Now I see some events in the Open Gaming section. However, the links to the events are broken.

We should get a separate Malifaux section.

Ah I see where you are looking. Yeah none of the links work yet. Also the rules are in they just have not been posted to the site.

Edit: Bugged Matt, rules will be up on Monday and our little game will have its own section.

I will note that original we had more events going then Privateer Press but now it looks like they are beating us. But technically three of our tournaments show up as one event. Plus our big open play event is not listed yet since we are still working out the details.

Edited by nilus
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